Game Play Errors

Magic is a game that  involves a large number of interactions, both between players and between cards. Sometimes, these interactions lead to players making mistakes and accidentally deviating from the rules. These errors are gathered in the MIPG under the label ‘Game Play Errors (GPE)’.

What are GPEs?

These are errors committed by at least one player during a match by unintentionally not respecting the rules of the game. For intentional infractions, one should refer to a different category of infraction: USC – Cheating.These mistakes can occur for multiple reasons: Players get tired, are distracted, play too fast, don’t know the cards or the rules that apply to a complex situation well enough, etc. These situations are not exceptional, which is why GPEs are unfortunately common errors.These errors are diverse by nature, but can be divided into general categories. The MIPG divides them into seven infractions:

  • Missed Trigger (where a mandatory trigger has been forgotten).
  • Failure to Reveal (where a card that should have been revealed was forgotten).
    Since this article was written, this section has been merged into GRV. However, there is a dedicated article about it.
  • Looking at Extra Cards (where a card that should have been hidden was seen).
  • Drawing Extra Cards (where an extra card was drawn).
  • Improper Drawing at the Start of the Game (starting a game with an incorrect number of cards in hand).
  • Game Rule Violation (mistakes coming from a rules violation that can’t be put into another GPE category).
  • Failure to Maintain Game State (not noticing an error that an opponent has made; this is a bit unusual and will be covered in another article).

More elements about these infractions may be found in their respective articles, conveniently linked from this one!Kevin Desprez