[O]fficial Rulings Duskwatch Recruiter Unlike the other werewolves, ’s transform triggered abilities should both be considered beneficial. Indeed, beneficial and detrimental are extremely contextual for that card and, following the policy whose primary example is : If an ability would contextually be both detrimental and beneficial, it is considered beneficial. […]
GP LA Appeals Judge Report
Which one transforms first? When two triggered abilities should be put on the stack at the same time, AP puts theirs first in the order of their choice, then NAP does the same. That’s fairly well-known. But what happens when two Triggered abilities are missed at the same time? Which one should go on […]
GP Tokyo Floor Judge Report
Communicating with non-English Speakers There are many things that make Japan special. One of them is the unique challenge it brings when you do not share either a common language or even alphabet. I was about to expand a little bit on this topic but it turns out wrote an extensive article which I […]
[O]fficial: Lost cards and stamped product
Limited Grand Prix Day 2s as well as the limited portions of Pro Tours are played with regular Magic cards that have been stamped so they can be uniquely identifiable. Why do we stamp product? Card Pool Registration So that limited tournaments are fair, it is It is essential that players […]