Ancestral Recall Time !
This month’s cycle will be dedicated to Grand Prix !
Let’s start with the first step of a GP: the first piece is from Paul Baranay and Evan Cherry and it’s about cover letters.
As far as I am concerned, it is something that often got me stuck. I have always been interested by GPs for the challenge they offer, for all the logistic needed, the feeling to be part of a whole where every little piece is important and really helps the event to go smoothly. As a bonus, a GP is the occasion to meet a ton of judges, to learn more about them and to discuss rules, tournament “techniques”, culture, the world, life and so on.
But the first step to access a GP as a judge is to manage to channel all those feelings in a cover letter, to be able to explain why you are interested and what you can bring to this particular event.
The article gives key subjects and explains how to develop them without overdoing it and how to focus on what will be interesting for the person who is reading you. It also gives general tips and dedicates its last part to the behaviour anyone should aim for if their application is rejected (as it will happen more than once in a judge’s lifetime).
I say no more and let you read. Good luck for your future cover letters and see you next week !