The Exemplar Program: a love story

Hi, my name is Michiel Van den Bussche and I am a L2 Judge from Sinaai, Belgium. This story has a lot of history to it, and I considered it worth telling. Given the fact that you are reading this, you probably consider it worthy of some of your time. I want to tell you all about my experiences with the Exemplar Program. I would like to stress that this is all my personal opinion, and completely written from my point of view.

First Contact

I had been a Judge for a little while when I learned about the Exemplar Program. I was very isolated for a long time because my Magic life was based in a gaming club in the Sint-Niklaas area. That’s where I first learned how to play, and am still playing there on a semi regular basis. Some time ago, WotC changed their policy on FNM’s. You used to be limited to a number of formats, and that restriction was lifted. Suddenly it was possible to choose from less competitive or more casual formats, and we started doing some commander and cube drafts on top of our regular limited ones. A local player stepped up and established a working relationship with a local game store, which would be our WPN front so our gaming club could organise its own FNM’s and pre-releases. A decision that would change my life, and for the first time in years, Sint-Niklaas became a Magic hot-spot. I decided to get my certification, as I had always been the rules guy, and I was doing the work of an L1 without even knowing I was one. I reached out to our RC using the contact form, and he placed me under the tutelage of a certain Jonas Drieghe.

I remember quite well how we first met, meeting for beers in a local pub. Jonas had lived in my general area before moving to Leuven. He deemed me worthy and certified me for L1 some months later. I became the first Judge in the Sint-Niklaas area. Being so isolated means no one notices the work you do. That did not bother me at first. After a while I learned about the Exemplar Program, but when I saw other people getting recognitions while I had gotten none, I secretly started hating the program. Being so isolated meant that there was literally no way for me to be recognized, or so was my foolishness as a rookie judge.

Getting to know the Program

My initial negativity towards the program had everything to do with me not understanding it. I imagined it was a giant “circle of friends” giving each other hollow compliments and bathing in pools of foil cards. As a new Judge I became a big fan of the JudgeCast podcast, and they did an episode about the Exemplar Program that opened my eyes. I also realized that I did not really care for the foils. What I was secretly after, was getting recognized by other Judges, for the work I do and for being the Magic Judge I had worked so hard to become. Many a wave passed and I had gotten used to not being recognized, but I enjoyed reading other people’s recognitions in the region. I didn’t always have a chance to judge or interact with some of you, but when I read the awesome things you have done, it was inspiring. Then it happened. I received a recognition!










Not what you were expecting? You should know I was honestly very moved by this one. It was written from the heart and I keep it in my wallet at all times. It was written by the same Jonas who certified me. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. I started to understand why we have the Exemplar Program. It is awesome to receive a recognition. It is highly motivating, and I value them very highly.

Being involved

Every time a wave is posted I rush to Judge Apps like an infant to their Christmas presents. During wave 8 something amazing happened. Three different Judges recognized me, more or less for the same behaviour. Reading these recognitions was heart-warming.

You know what the funny thing was? I was not recognized by the L2’s and L3’s I had worked with or interacted with a ton. It was from Judges a bit more remote, who had observed me through my musings on JudgeApps. Being isolated doesn’t matter when you get to meet each other several times a year during Conferences and Judge Dinners, and when you have opportunities to interact online through JudgeApps or the Benelux Facebook group.


When I renovated my house, I painted a wall with special paint so it would become magnetic. I hang the pieces of art from my children up there and a calendar. Proud as a peacock the letter from Richard has been hanging up there. Each year my wife makes an album about all the awesome things that happened that year, and in this year’s album, the letter will be included.

Just when things could not get better, the most amazing thing happened. When I passed my L2, I was automatically given the rights to become a true part of the program. It had not hit me until I logged on to JudgeApps and saw it with my own eyes. I now had the possibility to write my own recognitions. Each wave I have the opportunity to recognize behaviour that goes above and beyond. I have come full circle with the program. From not understanding and disliking it at first, to now having the distinct pleasure of being a part of it, recognizing amazing behaviour as I go.

If there is one feeling better than receiving an Exemplar Recognition, it has to be handing one out. So please use your privilege and write those recognitions! Even if you’re not an L2 yet, you can make suggestions to your local L2+ or through the online form.

If you are having a hard time writing good Exemplar Nominations, please check out the nomination guidelines.