Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait now part of the region

uaeIt is not a secret that Magic is flourishing on our little planet. This not only affects the developed countries, but also the developing ones. Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait show an impressive tournament development, hosting big PTQs and 60 player PPTQs.

At the same time the judge community  also followed through. Our region contributed to it since we sent an ambassador, who certified 3 Level 1s and created bonds of mentorship and friendship; thank you David Gutesa. Furthermore, the area was blessed to have one of the more active L3 moving there, David de la Iglesia (DLI) who took it upon himself  to create an excellent judge crew. Now the area has eight Level 1s, three Level 2s and one Level 3.

Qatar-West-Bay-view With all those stats it was apparent that this part of the world could not stay without the protection of a region and a regional coordinator much longer. There were a lot of back and forth, bras de fer if you like and underground politics, but at the end we won! Our region is already multicultural and it has proven that is inclusive, so it is a natural fit.

kuwait-towerThus I would like to welcome Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait as the 14th, 15th and 16th country respectively. They all already added in the judge apps and in the next couple of days we will update wiki, mothership and facebook group to include them as well.

Should you need to know more about our newest countries I suggest DLI’s excellent post here.