As you may or may have not seen on our Facebook group lately, the Regional Coordinators are responsible for handing out exemplar foils from now on.
Disclaimer: there will be some minor spoilers in the article, like the number of foils that you are receiving – but not their actual names. If you don’t want to be spoiled come back in 10 days
So why the change? The reasons that led Wizards to this decision are twofold:
- Shipping costs: I paid 25 euros for everything, Wizards would pay much more
- Effectiveness: I already know some of your address and in any case I can contact you much more easily than Wizards.
Please note that this wave is Summer 2015 (#3), so a big shout to our friends in the new acquired lands: I won’t be the one that is handling out your foils, Cristiana Dionisio is.
So what are your receiving?
- A number of foil packages based among other things on the number of recognitions and the level of the judge recognizing you. The foil packages will be in a range of 1 to 4 and they should* all be identical. Once more I want to stress the 2 recognitions does not mean two foil packages! The most packages that our region received was 3 and only two judge were the lucky ones. Can you guess them?
- Each package consists of 4 different foils
- Three of the foils are packed in a soft sleeve and then in a toploader for maximum protection (I bought 1000 of them from ebay
) The fourth foil will be inside a soft sleeve and glued (!) to the toploader. As this is my first time shipping this way please let me know if you have experienced any issues and offer me suggestions for improvement.
- A signed thank you note
I shipped all the cards today Monday the 18th. The exception are the people that I didn’t have their address (there should be email in your inbox from me
I have also delivered hand to hand the cards to some Cypriots at the prerelease (lucky bastards). For budget reasons the shipping was non registered mail as wizards did. I am supposed to say that we won’t compensate lost mail, but I have a couple of spare packages, so if you received the cards in a bad shape or if you have not received them at all after two months, please let me know. I will try to make it up to you, but no promises.
It is obvious that Wizards shared your personal mail address with me. I know that this may not be ideal for some of you, but note that I have signed some papers that say that I should not take advantage of this. If you still have a problem please contact me and we can work out a solution (send to a delegate is an option).
I want to stretch that this is the first wave I’ll be taking care of and I want you all to report any problems, of any kind, that you face. If my shipping method causes more problems than resolves we will adjust.
That’s all thank you for reading
*I was left with 5-6-4-5 foils instead of the ideal 5-5-5-5. Now either Wizards made a mistake, or a judge wil receive two copies of the same card. If this is the case, please contact me and I will send you the extra card.
A Greek guy never loses money
But the question is did Giorgios got his 25€ back?