Exemplar Wave 7 Features – Alexander Papageorgiou

 StXPOKay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…




Alexander Papageorgiou L2, Greece 

Alexander Papageorgiou L2, Greece 

Certified just 3 years ago, Alex still feels like a teenager compared to some braided dinosaurs in the region. When not judging GPs around Europe, he can be found developing games and applications, or having low-cost travel adventures!

Alex received 4 nominations in Wave 7, let’s have a look at them.

Enrique Revuelta had this to say about Alex:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] This exemplar is given from Ivo Fernandez: I really appreciate the form that you take Crash Courses Project from the beginning and transform an idea into a really strong and solid project, without your leadership i think this project never will came true, you motivate the rest of the team to believe in the project an work on it, thank you for your work.[/cets_callout_box]

Yuval Tzur  had this to say about Alex:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] When life got too busy for me, you stepped up and accepted the responsibility of taking ownership over my ‘Crash Courses’ project. You’ve been very active in continuing my vision and marching the project forward. I really appreciate your ‘can do’ attitude and how you push things forward. Thanks a lot for continuing what I started and helping me seeing it through, even if I can’t be there myself. [/cets_callout_box]

Kreon Tseroulis  had this to say about Alex:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] I want to thank you for not only helping out with the conference organizing, but for being incredibly helpful and frank when I got the CC mantle. Even though you moved to another country your reports and insight have helped realize a lot about the situation in the north! [/cets_callout_box]

Giorgos Trichopoulos  had this to say about Alex:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Alex your sense of community and duty is commendable. Lately you found yourself in a situation where you were about to leave the country for Poland, but there was no L2 to take care of northern Greece. Your response was twofold: you started training two L1s for L2 and you volunteered to cover all of the events. And when I say all I mean that you end up doing two events per week for four weeks, in different cities of Northern Greece, including an island and in Macedonia, the former Yugoslavic republic of. Thank you for all your work in northern Greece.  [/cets_callout_box]

Thank you for your great work supporting and caring for your community and the judge program in general!

P.S. We are waiting for your safe return home 🙂