Hello everybody!
I do not have good news. Two months ago, the region set sail under a new leadership, and I was very excited with the change. We finished the handover within the first week, and we had decided on some milestones for the next year. Then there was silence, too much silence…
Little did I know that David had a health issue which led him to the hospital, and the doctors strongly suggested to lay down and avoid any stressful situations. After a lot of thinking, he made the very difficult decision of leaving the judge program for the time being…
It was a very emotional and frustrating last couple of months for the both of us, alas the future cannot wait. I am hoping that we will be able to welcome back David soon, but we need to make do without him for now. Since the region does need a regional coordinator, the leader of RCs offered me the position and I accepted for another two years.
So, looking at the future, there are some things that are pressuring us, so expect some movement, some visible, some not, in the following categories:
- Next conference, place, date, organiser
- Country coordinators application
- L2 maintenance form
David has forwarded me any outstanding email threads and I will handle them in the next hours. That said, things may have gone through the cracks, so If you have asked anything and you don’t get a response in the next two days, please mail me forwarding the relevant discussion at my email.
I want to wish to David a quick recovery. I hope you can forward our wishes for good health and hopefully we can see him back at the judge program very soon.