In wave 17 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Tom Reshko
Tom received 4 nominations in Wave 17, let’s have a look at them.
Alon Luski had this to say about Tom:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Tom, I would like to recognize the massive improvement and skills you have shown in the last prerelease. During the event you have managed to not only run a large size event, you also managed to take care of a difficult situation involving a disqualification in a clean and calm fashion. Your dedication for improving both soft and technical skills is showing and I would like to recognize your efforts to become a better judge. Keep it up! [/cets_callout_box]
Yuval Tzur had this to say about Tom:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Tom, I heard about a complex investigation involving a young kid you handled during the WAR prerelease. Investigations are complex, especially when involving young players. From talking to you and other judges, I got the impression that you did a really great job, that ended up in removing a cheater from an event. Thanks for doing a great job! [/cets_callout_box]
Uri Hershkovitz had this to say about Tom:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Hi Tom! It’s always amazing to see how much you care about the judge community, even when we’re mostly separated from everyone where we live. Every time something’s stirring in the MTG world, you always give me a call to make sure that I’m aware of the situation and too see whether I think we should make a statement ourselves. Recently, with the half-suggestion that judges may be discriminating against a known player came up, I barely had time to compose my thoughts on the matter and you were already on the other side of the line making sure I know that this has happened and asking about it’s effect locally, and what our response should be. This amount of care and broad responsibility should never be taken as obvious, and I wanted to commend you for me. Thanks for being awesome! Uri [/cets_callout_box]
David Shor had this to say about Tom:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Tom, During WAR prerelease you have helped me during an investigation. I am a bit weak on the side of social skills, and you are really good at it, so I’m really happy you helped me during an investigation when we talked to a young player, which concluded in a dq. After the end of the investigation, you have helped calm the player down and helped him write his statement. This was a unique and amazing use of your social skills, and I was fortunate to have you in the tournament. Continue being awesome! David [/cets_callout_box]
Thank you for your dedication, improvement and hard work !