Back in December, at a Mid-Atlantic leadership conference, the topic at hand was “Reviews and Feedback Culture.” From there, it was decided that they would challenge the Northeast to a year long Review Showdown. The very next day, a representative issued the challenge to Io Hughto, RC of the Northeast at the NE Regional Conference. […]
Tag: Community

Mentoring. Mentor. Mentee. If you had to choose only one concept to pair with the judge program, most people would nod their head towards this one. From day one as a judge candidate to judges at highest levels of leadership in the program, it is everywhere. I came to judging from an educational background, so […]
What’s Your 100?
This week, The Feedback Loop continues its celebration of 100 posts with your thoughts on feedback. Many thanks to the dozens of judges from around the world who contributed! If you missed the deadline, it’s not too late to join us. Share up to 100 words about feedback in the comments below! [expand title=”Erik Aliff, […]
Avenues for Local Feedback

However, all it really takes to have meaningful feedback is to have a conversation with someone else about a way one of you could improve. This person could be a player, a tournament organizer, or even a judge who was nowhere near your event. Let’s dig into some of these ideas, and how you can leverage them in your community.