What kind of coach do you aspire to be? For me, there’s one coach who stands out above the crowd: coach Greg Popovich of the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs.
What kind of coach do you aspire to be? For me, there’s one coach who stands out above the crowd: coach Greg Popovich of the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs.
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered providing feedback to a judge while playing in their event. This month’s prompt comes straight to us from the comments section of last month’s article, courtesy of : I am of the opinion that feedback should also be solicited from the […]
The idea of coaching a mentor, someone charged with the training and education of another, may seem to contradict the very idea of coaching. After all, isn’t the mentor the person who is supposed to be doing the coaching?
There has long been a difference of opinions about the proper application of carrot versus stick–positive versus negative reinforcement–in encouraging the culture of feedback in the Judge Program. There’s really not much stick in the Judge Program when it comes to reviews these days. The current review-writing requirements are solely for advancement and maintenance. In the […]
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered how to best approach providing feedback to your staff members. This month, we’ll be flipping things! (No, not !) I recently head judged an event where a couple of players who happened to be judges took the time to speak with […]
Grand Prix Milwaukee, my last major event of the year, is in the books. 2016 was a big year for me as a judge – I worked 13 Grand Prix, 5 Opens, 2 Regional Championships, and 5 PPTQs. I served as a Head Judge for my biggest event to date, coordinated about 350 PPTQs in […]
Advancement reviews are some of the most important reviews that we give judges, and they often serve as an introduction to the peer review process itself. They not only remind judges of what happened during the interview and exam portion of the advancement process but also provide tools for success at their new level. With […]
Thanksgiving. A holiday for eating turkey, watching football, and yes, giving thanks. “Thanks” is an important word in feedback, so much so that it is the name of my favorite book on the subject: Thanks for the Feedback by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen. This book discusses feedback in three primary types: appreciation, coaching, and […]
Quick: Think of a time you’ve failed. That’s precisely the challenge I posed to about 20 judges at the Northeast Judge Conference earlier this month. My workshop, “Practicing Radical Candor,” was an exploration of our experiences with failure — and how we can grow from them. I’ll start this article the same way I began […]
Welcome back to the thrilling conclusion of the self evaluation series. If you’re just joining me, be sure to go back to Parts One, Two, and Three. This week, as the second half of my advice on how to write your Level 3 Self Review, I’ll be covering the final five Qualities of a Premier […]