Ken Perry

Welcome judges, to another edition of Judge of the Week! This week, we feature a man of few words, known on Facebook for helping coordinate the MTG Judge Study Group. From deep in the heart of Texas comes Kenny Perry!

kenperryName:  Kenny Perry
Level: 2
Location:   Amarillo, TX  USA
Judge start date: I certified as a Judge on March 20, 2011 and immediately began working towards L2, which I achieved in May of 2012.
Why did you become a judge?
Because we had no judges anywhere near here (200+ miles) and I wanted to be able to have sanctioned Magic tournaments in Amarillo, Texas.
Occupation:   Mechanic
Favourite card:   Angus Mackenzie  (looks like Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python)
Least favourite card:   Storm Crow
Favourite format:   Standard, I like how it’s always changing.
Favourite non-Magic Game:    Monopoly or Risk
Best tournament result:   “Winner winner chicken dinner!”
Random fact about yourself:   I’m a family man.

Tell us your favourite judge story.
Being on staff for Grand Prix Las Vegas 2013. I was just proud to have been part of making history there with 4500 players at a single event. I got to meet so many people in person for the first time that I had come to know through the online and FB channels, the event was crazy! Trying not to get trampled on you way to post pairings… and there was no easy way to get back to the judges station after posting pairings.. so you just got stuck there. it was a record-breaking event, and none of us were prepared for it. GPLV2 was much smoother, and also awesome, and huge, and I met more people there that I already knew.

How did you get involved in Magic in the first place?
I was off of work for an injury and back surgery. A friend came to my house and taught me to play.  I wanted to know all the rules.

How has being a judge influenced your non-Magic life?
It has made my life much busier, and I see things differently. The 9 Qualities of a Judge are everywhere, not just Magic.

What motivates you to continue being a judge?
Fun!  I love judging, and I love traveling and meeting new people that I have something in common with.

Wken perryhat is one tip you have for other judges?
Have fun!  If it isn’t fun, you’re not doing it right!!

What’s the best part about your local Magic community?
Everyone knows me & isn’t afraid to ask for advice. I have grown a lot socially since becoming a Magic Judge.

What is your favourite non-Magic hobby?
Playing pool.  (billiards) I have been playing pool since i was 6 or 7 (I stood on a chair at my uncles house to see the table). I play in a weekly pool league on a team of 6 players. I was top shooter last summer, 2nd on my team last fall and we took the 1st place trophy last fall.

What has been your favourite magic event that you’ve judged?
I had the opportunity to HJ a PTQ in Dallas, My largest Event to HJ.  My staff and team were fantastic, I had so much fun and learned so much from it. I learned that you can never… NEVER… NEVER!! be too prepared for an event, especially a limited event. And don’t expect things to go just how you planned them, because they won’t and you won’t have a backup plan. Always have a backup plan, and another backup plan if that fails, and someone you can trust thinking up another backup plan for that!

What positive aspects has the Judge Program contributed to your everyday life?
Diplomacy skills, charisma, and the ability to talk to strangers more easily.

If you could chat with one person, real or fictional, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Taylor Swift.  I’ve never seen her mad, she always makes people happy and I love to be Happy.

What would you be doing now if Magic no longer existed?
I don’t know — Don’t say that!!

How do you have fun during events?
High fives for everyone!! Typically I’d say I get at least 40-50 high fives from judges alone, but I have gone really crazy and gotten 200-300 before. GPLV2 Day 2 had a lot of high fives!!

Kenny 1If you were a Planeswalker what would be your ultimate?
Emblem: At the beginning of each upkeep, put a High-5 counter on a permanent you control.  When you have a total of 3 High-5 counters on any permanents, you win the game if you High-5 each opponent.

If you were a creature, what would be your creature type?
Knight (shining armor and such)

What hobbies do you have outside of Magic?
Playing pool, repairing phones, Karaoke.

You’ve been one of the organizers of the MTG Judge Study Group, which currently has over 5,000 members on Facebook. Tell us more about the project.
The MTG Judge Study Group has become a very demanding challenge. It takes a group of people communicating with one another on a regular basis to make it work and we are always missing each other. Life has gotten in the way and we are looking for some fresh people to help up keep this project going.

Have there been any questions/issues with language barriers?
We haven’t had any issues that I’m aware of.  When discussing with someone and language is an issue, I just open the translate app on my phone and the problem is solved.

What’s the ultimate goal for the group?
In my mind the ultimate goal for the group is to be available to anyone in the world who wants to become a Magic Judge. The admin team is great and we are always happy to answer any questions that come up.

What was the proudest moment of your Judge life?
Making L2

Two Truths and a Lie
Two of the following statements are true and one is false. Figure out which!

  1. I like to collect Planeswalkers. I have at least 2 of each since they started printing.
  2. I am a great cook. I can bake like Betty Crocker.
  3. I love making announcements and talking on the microphone.

[expand title=”The answer to the last Two Truths and a Lie…”]Benjemin does not love thin-crust pizza[/expand]

If there is a judge who is also doing something exemplary, please nominate a judge TODAY!

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One thought on “Ken Perry

  1. He also has a daughter named Katie Perry. That is me. He really is devoted to this game, and sometimes a little bit too much. He is antisocial, so I’m surprised that he does so well with talking to others all day long during tournaments. I’m proud of him & all that he’s done for the magic playing community.

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