Greetings and salutations! Continuing our series on Regional Coordiantors, here is Alexis Rassel, RC for France.
What is your name?
Alexis Rassel
What is your Judge Level?
Level 3
Where are you from?
Lyon, France
When did you become a Judge?
Beginning of 2008
Why did you become a Judge?
A friend of mine, Level 2 Judge Sébastien Grass, asked me if instead of playing one of his Pre-releases, would I’d rather judge it. I was very appealed by the “rules” aspect of judging – so I tried once, then twice… then dozens of times.
What advice would you give to members of your region?
Always see judging as a leisure and time that you spend to have fun. You are here to help players to have a good time, but never forget to also share those good times.
What advice would you give to a Judge growing up through the program?
Do not be afraid to talk to as many people as you can about your goals and your ambition. Experienced judges are full of advice – but if you stay hidden, there’s nothing we can do for you.
Could you recognize a few outstanding members of your region?
My region is full of awesome judges, at every scale of the program.
We have level 4 Kevin Desprez, among the best Grand Prix Head Judges of the world. Also level 3 and NetRep Daniel Kitachewsky
, one of the foremost rules experts.
Two level 2 judges, François Grossi and Sophie Pagès
, who are leading many community projects.
And more than 100 level 1 and level 2 judges, who run the game every day in our stores.
What’s the coolest event you ever been to?
It’s quite hard to pick only one:
2009 World Championship in Rome, Italy was an amazing experience – one of my very first big events.
2010 World Championship in Chiba, Japan where I became level 3.
2011 French Nationals in La Rochelle in front of the Ocean.
2012 Bazaar of Moxen in Annecy, my hugest tournament as Head Judge.
What’s the farthest you have ever traveled for a Magic event?
2012 Pro Tour Honolulu: 12000 km!
Does your family travel with you?
No – only friends.
How do you not lose your mind as a RC?
Refer to my answer on what advice I would give a judge in my region!
What do you feel needs to be improved in the Judge program?
Judge apps should be able to handle Exams and reviews, as DCIX is quite inefficient today.
What motivates you to continue being a judge?
I’m still having fun during events, I met most of my best friends within the program, I travel a lot… that’s more than enough to continue.
What hobbies do you have outside of Magic?
I travel a lot and I also enjoy reading and going to the theater. And I play many other games: board games, video games…
How often do you Travel for Magic?
I travel two or three times a year for long trips (US or Asia) and once a month for European GPs. I go to French PTQs twice a month.
What are some of your Regional Goals?
I’d like to have level 2 judges more involved in the certification of new level 1 judges. I’d also like to have judges in some part of France, which are quite empty.
Tell us an embarrassing story that you’re not afraid of everyone knowing.
It happened several times that I booked a flight for the wrong day (or wrong month) in order to go to Magic events…
How has being a Magic Judge influenced your non-Magic life?
I’m a teacher and there are lots of similarities between teaching and judging. Being a judge improved my explanation skills.
Also, all my closest friends today are linked to the program – and they have a huge influence in my life.
What is the worst tournament you have judged?
GP Paris – 2009. Public Events on Sunday went terrible. We were such a small team that we were not able to have a lunch break before 3PM. I spent my time hearing judges and players complaining about the venue and how events were handled.
Thank you, Alexis, for an awesome interview! See you all next week!