Sandro Manfredini

If you’ve been following our past Judges of the Week, you may have noticed there are people in the program with very different backgrounds. Today, it is with great honour we get to talk with Mathematician and University Teacher, ! Welcome, Sandro! Name: Sandro Manfredini Level: L2 Location: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy (this is my home […]

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Scott Neiwert

Greetings Judges! We are back again for another fabulous Judge of the Week interview, this time featuring a freshly minted L3 Judge!  It’s an honor to spotlight this week’s Judge of the Week, from Idaho. As usual, before we learn about the man behind the black shirt lets have some quick facts about him: Location: Boise, ID Judge start date: […]

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Jara Karban

Welcome, Judges, to another edition of Judge of the Week! This week’s Judge, after multiple nominations from the Czech community, is Jara Karban! Let’s meet him… Name: My name is Jaroslav Karban. I prefer if people call me Jara. Level: 2 Location: Prague, Czech Republic Judge start date: L1: 05/06/2005 L2: 13/05/2007 Occupation: IT Network […]

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Kevin Desprez, L5

Welcome, Judges, to another edition of Judge of the Week! It is with great honor we feature this week’s interview… meet , L5 Judge! Name: Kevin DESPREZ Level: 5 Location: Lille, France Judge start dates: L1: 08/2002 L2: 11/2003 L3: 12/2006, Worlds in Paris L4: 12/2008, Worlds in Memphis L5: 01/2014, High Level Conference in […]

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Travis Traxler

Welcome judges, to another edition of Judge of the Week! This week we go back to the USA to meet another judge – welcome, Mr. Traxler! Name: Travis Traxler Level: 1 Location: Battle Creek, Michigan, US Judge start date: January 21, 2013 Occupation: Paraprofessional School Worker & Retail Salesperson Favourite card: Least favourite card: Favourite […]

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