Jonas Breindahl

Hej alle! Hello everybody! This week on Judge of the Week we travel across the pond to Copenhagen, Denmark where we are featuring Jonas Breindahl, L2! Jonas has been judging since the Return to Ravnica prerelease and picked up L2 at the November 2013 Nordic Judge Conference in Helsinki, Finland. Occupation: Student, Software Development Favorite […]

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Dalibor Trnka

Hola there Judges, This week our online-magazine will bring the spotlights over a Mexican judge, . He is not just a successful magic player but also a great Judge, and a prolific mentor too! Dalibor recently worked as the Judge manager for GP Mexico where his hard-work, enthusiasm, and impressive hard-working spirit managed to make […]

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Quentin Boussardon

Hello, everybody!  It’s time once again to spotlight a star in the Judge Program, and this week we hear from , L2, from Orléans, France (except on weekends; then he resides in Châteauroux)! Quentin become a judge on May 15, 2011, and reached Level 2 on October 14, 2012. Occupation: I develop billing software for a large telecommunications company. […]

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