Bryan Prillaman

Greetings Judges! This week’s Judge of the Week is Bryan Prillaman, L2 from Florida! Bryan was nominated by , L3 from Utah. Jeremy had the following to say about Bryan: “He really tries hard to share his experiences and knowledge with the community. I’ve witnessed him go out of his way to teach someone a […]

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Gareth Tanner

Gareth was nominated by Mark Young, who says, “He is a Level 2 who is also very active on Facebook, Judge Forums and the like. He is always willing to answer questions and help out where he can in helping others grow. He has been a great help to me and is my current mentor […]

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Miguel Angel Fernandez Diego

Greetings Judges! This week’s Judge of the Week is Miguel Angel Fernandez Diego, L1 from Germany, NRW (in Unna, near Dortmund) (Parentheses[] indicate areas of translation) Occupation: Oracle Administrator Favourite card: Least favourite card: Favourite format: Legacy Commander general: Favourite non-Magic Game: Settlers of Catan Best tournament result: Never played professional! Random fact about yourself:  I’ve […]

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Ben McDole

Greetings Judges! This week’s Judge of the Week is Ben McDole, L3 from Florida! Ben was nominated by Raven Fox, L2 from North Carolina. Raven had the following to say about Ben: “He is constantly trying to advance the knowledge of the community and grow the community with his thought provoking questions and philosophy challenging […]

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Gunnar Holmstedt

Greetings Judges! This week’s Judge of the Week is Gunnar Holmstedt, L2 from Lund, Sweden! (although some Swedes claim that Lund lies in Denmark) Gunnar started judging as a L1 in August 2010, and made L2 in June 2011! Why did you become a judge? Why not? I’ve always had an interest in rules. I […]

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