Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new year with Judge of the Week! We have a super special and rare treat to start this new year: everyone’s favorite heartthrob, L4 Jared Sylva! Name: (the R stands for Robot!) Level: 4 Location: Salem, Virginia Judge start date: Onslaught Prerelease (Septemeber 2002) Occupation: Star City […]
Nick Rutkowski
Welcome to a special Birthday edition of Judge of the Week! This week, we’re feature Nick Rutkowski, L2 from California. Happy Birthday, Nick! Name: Nick Rutkowski Level: 2 Location: El Cerrito (Near Berkeley) CA Judge start date: L1 4/2011, L2 3/2012 Why did you become a Judge? It started with being the local rules know-it-all, then realizing […]
Jack Doyle
Hello there Guys & Gals, most of the time we pick nominations made by judges, but this time we wanted to shake it up a bit! Our guest this week was nominated by his local players for his hard work and motivation on stage, his story impressed us in such way that we had to investigate more about this judge! On top of […]
Sandro Manfredini
If you’ve been following our past Judges of the Week, you may have noticed there are people in the program with very different backgrounds. Today, it is with great honour we get to talk with Mathematician and University Teacher, ! Welcome, Sandro! Name: Sandro Manfredini Level: L2 Location: Pisa, Tuscany, Italy (this is my home […]
Adrian Estoup
Hola Judges! It’s time to feature another excellent judge! This week on the RC edition of Judge of the Week, our team lands in the country that gave us bife chorizo, Maradona, and the Pope of the Catholic Church. This judge works in one of the widest regions in the world, but in his regular life, he’s a […]