Paul Baranay

Hello, Judges, and welcome back to JotW! This week we have , who has a lot of sweet stories to tell! Let’s meet Paul. Name: Paul Baranay Level: 3 Location: New Haven, CT Certification Date: L1: August 2012 L2: December 2012 L3: at GP Richmond in March 2014. Occupation: Computational Biologist Favourite card: Least favourite […]

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Carlos Rangon

Hey Judge folks! This week’s Judge of the Week is Carlos Rangon, a (At the time of this interview) Level 2 from Brazil. He has many passions in life, but the word on the street is his cooking is divine! Carlos tells us that his first event as a judge was in 1998, I certified […]

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Christian Gawrilowicz

Hello Everyone! This week’s Judge of the Week is Christian Gawrilowicz. Christian is an L3 who calls Vienna, Austria home when he isn’t traveling around the world. While he had been judging unofficially since 1994, Christian joined the rank of L1 around 2000. 2003 and 2005 saw advancements to L2 and L3, respectively. After lapsing […]

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Inti Acevedo

Hola there Judges, this week, our team managed to catch up with a guy who helped out by introducing the game to Venezuela in the late 90’s. He was the first certification of his country kicking off a a brilliant Judge carrier! Don’t miss this this Judge of the week edition with Inti Acevedo from […]

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