What is Ancestral Recall :
For some times now, I have been searching for old articles on the blog.
Every week, I will present one of those articles, and the articles of each month will be focused on a specific theme.
Until today, I was only posting the episodes on the french judges Facebook group. Now an english version can be found here.
I hope this project will be useful to you and that you’ll enjoy it !
Feel free to PM me if you want to react to something.
You can also contact me if you want to share something related to the current month topic. I will put it in the next episode (anonymously or not, as you choose), and it will be useful to everyone
Episodes :
March 2018: difficult game endings
June 2018: The Exemplar Program
August 2018: Tournament Atmoshpere
October 2018: Mistakes can be made
November 2018: Communication problems