Jack Doyle is the Social Media & Web Platforms Sphere leader. This Sphere comprises projects that aim at engaging with the Judge Program and its community via Social Media outlets.
It assists other Spheres and projects facilitating promotion of their initiatives on Social Media, and also supports the implementation of solutions and best practices in other web platforms, such as the WordPress-based blogs.magicjudges.org network.
The Sphere’s management is run using a JudgeApps project.
The Sphere also takes care of staff photos at Grand Prix events. See some guidelines for those here.
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Battlefield Forge’]A blog for publishing tournament reports from judges.
Links | Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | QJ Wong
Team members | Laura Ellis, Matthew Miles-Watson
, Alan Peng
, John Reuben Ferrer
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Graphic Design Gang’]Judges volunteering their graphic design skills for judge projects.
Links | JudgeApps project
Project lead | Steffen Baumgart
Team members | Gabriel Batista Vieira de Sousa, Adi Jian
, Neil Pendon
, Jose Tamargo
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Judge Anniversaries’]Celebration of our arbitrary amounts of time together.
Links | Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Ronald Thompson
Team members| Shawn Doherty, Richard Neal
, Jack Doyle
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Judge Articles’]A platform for publishing judge articles.
Links | Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Michael Gyssels
Team members | Paul Baranay, Georgi Benev
, Dan Collins
, Dustin De Leeuw
, Federico Donner
, Jack Doyle
, John Eriksson
, Jeremie Granat
, Bryan Spellman
, Anniek Van der Peijl
, Kevin Yu
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Judge of the Week’]Weekly interviews with featured judges from around the world.
Links | Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Michael Arrowsmith
Team members | Benjamin Coursey, Matt Karr
, Abby Kraycar
, Eli Meyer
, Jacob Milicic
, Raoul Mowatt
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Level 3 Advancements Promotion’]Preparation and publishing of bios to promote Level 3 advancements.
Links | Blog category, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Sebastian Pękala
Team members | Jack Doyle
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Magic Judge Monthly’]Monthly summary of the JudgeApps forums and other online outlets.
Links | Blog category, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Iva Kleiner
Team members | Nenad Cizmic, Stephan Classen
, Wilfredo II Dizon
, Adi Jian
, Scott Marshall
, Theodoros Millidonis
, Chris Schafer
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Magic Judge News’]Official news outlet for the Judge Program.
Links | Blog
Project lead | Jack Doyle
Team members | Steffen Baumgart, Jose Tamargo
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Magic Judges Facebook’]Official Facebook page for the Judge Program.
Links | Facebook page
Project lead | Jack Doyle
Team members | Angela Chandler, John Brian McCarthy
, Rick Salamin
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Magic Judges Twitter’]Official Twitter account for the Judge Program.
Links | Twitter account, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Sashi Kumar Balakrishnan
Team members | Angela Chandler, Federico Donner
, Jack Doyle
, Arseniy Egorov
, Simon Freiberg
, Brook Gardner-Durbin
, Kentaro Guthrie
, Ellis Gyöngyös
, Jeff S Higgins
, Paul Johnson
, Elliot Raff
, David Lyford-Smith
, John Brian McCarthy
, Krystal Rose
, Charlotte Sable
, Giorgos Trichopoulos
, Federico Verdini
, Yu Win Yew
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Moderators of /r/mtgjudge on Reddit’]Moderation of the /r/mtgjudge subreddit.
Links | Subreddit
Team members | Paul Baranay, Casey Brefka
, Jack Doyle
, Jacob Haven
, John Brian McCarthy
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Official Resources site’]Official website for information about judge levels, program structure, judge testing, and other information released by the Judge Program.
Links | Website, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Jack Doyle
Team members | Steffen Baumgart, Alejandro Raggio
, Jose Tamargo
Translators | Juan del Compare, Lucas Horta
, Sophie Pagès
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Premier Event Staff Pictures’]Collection of staff pictures for Grand Prix, Pro Tours, and the WMC.
Links | Facebook album, Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | John Brian McCarthy
Team members | Saverio Adamo, Jack Doyle
, Rick Salamin
, Tom Wood
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Travel Guides’]Creation of travel guides for Premier Events, providing useful information to attending judges and players.
Links | Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Antonio José Rodríguez
Team members | Kepa Arrieta, Joe Brooks
, Nicola DiPasquale
, Santiago Prieto
, Yoshitoki Sakai
, Witold Waczynski
, Hans Wang
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’WordPress User Group’]The place for users of the Judge Blogs network to ask questions, receive updates, and share tips and best practices for WordPress blogging!
Links | Blog, JudgeApps project
Project lead | Jack Doyle
Team members | Steffen Baumgart