Darkthicket Wolf’s ability can only be activated once per turn, regardless of who controls it.

‘s activated ability has a restriction on it preventing the ability from being activated more than once per turn. This restriction applies regardless of who controls it when the ability is played. For example, if Darkthicket Wolf’s ability is activated by Player A and then this Darkthicket Wolf is targeted by played by Player B, […]

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Once Goblin Tunneler’s ability resolves the targeted creature is unblockable even if it gets bigger.

has an activated ability that makes a creature with power of two or less unblockable for the remainder of the current turn. This ability does have a targeting restriction which requires that the targeted creature have a power of two or less. In other words this creature’s power must be two or less in order […]

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Once an ability is activated or triggered it is independent of its source.

A common misconception in Magic is that you can prevent an activated or triggered ability from being resolving by destroying the source of the ability. This is not true and has never been the way that Magic works. Once an ability is played or triggered and put on the stack it is independent of its […]

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What Sundial of the Infinite can help you avoid, and what it can’t

has an activated ability that you can only play on your turn, and when the ability resolves your turn will end. It may seem like it is a negative effect, as it can be hard to understand why you would want to end your turn prematurely. However there are often things in your own turn […]

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