If you cast and flicker Stonehorn Dignitary, the next two combat phases will be skipped.

Each time ‘s ability resolves, it sets up a replacement effect that is extremely patient. It does not immediately decide “It’s currently turn X, so that means you skip combat in turn X+1.” Instead, it sets up a delayed effect and waits for the next time the specified event would happen. Right before your opponent […]

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How Demonic Rising really works.

‘Intervening if’ clauses! Fun times. These are handy little things that can stop stuff from happening before it happens. They’re always written as “When/whenever/at…, if SOMETHING IS TRUE, do something.” These abilities check for “something is true” at two times: when the ability would trigger, and when it would resolve. The ability needs something to […]

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Redirect can’t change the target of Oblivion Ring.

Oblivion. Such a fun word. I use to send your permanent into OBLIVION! It’s only natural to want to protect your permanents from this very popular enchantment. While there are lots of -style ways to get your toys back, wouldn’t it be more fun to simply use and send THEIR permanent into OBLIVION? Let’s look […]

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What happens when Requiem Angel dies at the same time as other creatures.

Whenever a creature dies, the game has to “look back in time” to see if any leaves-the-battlefield abilities triggered. Sometimes you’ll have an instance where multiple creatures die at the same time; when this occurs, all of them will “see” each other leave the battlefield. This can allow a creature like Requiem Angel to trigger […]

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You can animate your Inkmoth Nexus in time to cast a miraculous Revenge of the Hunted on it.

More Miracles! A frequent question about Miracles with targets is WHEN they target. For today’s question, more specifically, we’ll look at and . I’ve heard a few people think that if you top-deck Revenge, you won’t have ‘time’ to animate Nexus to get the buff. However, this is incorrect. You don’t pick a target for […]

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How your Consecrated Sphinx interacts with your opponent’s Miracle.

What happens when your opponent draws a card with miracle while control a ? If he or she chooses to reveal it, a couple things happen. Both the miracle ability and Consecrated Sphinx’s ability trigger, and they’re put on the stack in active player/nonactive player order (meaning the nonactive player’s ability goes on the stack […]

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