Darkthicket Wolf’s ability can only be activated once per turn, regardless of who controls it.

‘s activated ability has a restriction on it preventing the ability from being activated more than once per turn. This restriction applies regardless of who controls it when the ability is played. For example, if Darkthicket Wolf’s ability is activated by Player A and then this Darkthicket Wolf is targeted by played by Player B, […]

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Once Goblin Tunneler’s ability resolves the targeted creature is unblockable even if it gets bigger.

has an activated ability that makes a creature with power of two or less unblockable for the remainder of the current turn. This ability does have a targeting restriction which requires that the targeted creature have a power of two or less. In other words this creature’s power must be two or less in order […]

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Rusted Sentinel’s ability applied as it enters the battlefield

has one ability which causes it to enter the battlefield tapped. This is a static ability that generates a replacement effect that is applied to the action of putting the Sentinel into play. (This will most often happen as the Rusted Sentinel spell resolves.) The Sentinel does not enter the battlefield and then become tapped. […]

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Delayed triggered abilities

One unusual type of triggered ability is the delayed trigger ability. Delayed triggered abilities are created by spells and abilities (and some replacement effects). They are unique in that they wait around for a bit and then trigger at an appropriate time. Like other ‘normal’ triggered abilities they are recognizable by the words ‘when,’ ‘whenever,’ […]

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The ‘Intervening if’

Some of the more complicated triggered abilities are those that include what is known as the ‘intervening if’ clause. These triggered abilities are generally written in the format “When/Whenever/At [trigger event], if [condition], [effect].” These condition followed by the ‘if’ functions as an addition trigger condition. If it is not true when this ability would […]

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