Aurelia and Legion’s Initiative

Imagine. Aurelia and her trusty attack. After this attack, Aurelia asks herself “Hey, is this the first time I’ve attacked this turn?”, she thinks for a bit. “Why yes Aurelia, yes indeed this is the first time I’ve attacked this turn. ANOTHER!” And she triggers, untapping her White Knight (and herself if she didn’t have […]

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Blood Scrivener and Miracles – It has to really be the first card.

Miracle states it only applies to the FIRST card you draw each turn. Really, the first one. Whenever Magic involves drawing cards, it’s actually done as individual actions, so when it says to draw 3, it means “draw 1, draw 1, draw 1” in principal. Hence, you have to reveal each of them when is […]

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Tournament Tuesday: Dark Confidant at Competitive REL

As expected, Modern Masters has created quite a stir, and we’re looking at GP Las Vegas in just a couple of weeks, where Modern Masters sealed will be the format. On top of that, there’s plenty of people drafting their MM boxes right now, and a lot of people looking to get into the format […]

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Understanding Possibility Storm

Oh, the possibilities! is already a favorite of mine because of the sheer hilarity and chaos it can cause. It’s also seeing play in several EDH decks for that same reason, and even made an appearance at the most recent Pro Tour due to its ability to blank in some matchups. So with the possibility […]

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A Progenitor Mimic copying Scion of Vitu-Ghazi will make birds when it enters the battlefield, but not on each upkeep.

Greetings, fellow students of Mat’Selesnya. I am pleased you’ve joined me here in Vitu-Ghazi to further your understanding of the ways of our guild. As future summoners and mages, it is crucial that you understand how to best direct our many allies in battle. For example, the is both a potent threat and a useful […]

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