Hello Judges! Once again we are featuring an amazing Regional Coordinator. We look to the Central Region’s Judge Community and find the one and only, L3 Dan Stephens.
Where are you from?
Indianapolis, Indiana
When did you become a Judge?
March 2006
Why did you become a Judge?
I loved Magic, but I couldn’t afford to buy new cards. I found a neat loophole where all you had to do was learn a complicated rule book and spend all day on your feet and they would give you boxes for free!
What advice would you give to members of your region?
Don’t be shy. Confidence is something that a lot of us have to fake at first. The more you fake it, the more you find yourself forgetting that you are faking. Then one day you realize that you’re an L3 and an RC and you’re surrounded by a group of the most fantastic people.
What advice would you give to a Judge growing up through the program?
Don’t be afraid to travel. Some of the best events I’ve attended were because I was willing to push the border of where I was willing to drive. You meet new people, learn new ways of running events, and build great memories.
Could you recognize a few outstanding members of your region?
Now seems like a good time to recognize my trusty state/city coordinators. This group of gentlemen are some of my favorite people in the judge program and constantly keep me sane when I need them.
James Elliott – Assistant (to the) Regional Coordinator and Illinois coordinator
Jason Long – Chicago
Max Schroeder – Missouri
Chaz Estell – Indiana
Alex Bastecki – Pennsylvania
Carsten Haese – Ohio
Mike Noss – Philadelphia
Bernd Buldt – Kentucky
What’s the farthest you have ever traveled for a Magic event?
About 4,000 miles?
Does your family travel with you?
My wife is an incredible scorekeeper and sometimes she lets me travel with her.
How do you not lose your mind as a RC?
It’s not hard. I enjoy doing it. Now, if you asked me how I don’t lose my mind as a student…
What do you feel needs to be improved in the Judge program?
We don’t yet have a good way to tell someone, “I don’t need your help at this event.” There are a ton of judges and a ton of events, but it’s impossible to avoid feelings getting hurt. We need to come up with a better way to prepare people for what they feel is a rejection.
What has been your best experience in the Judge Program?
The judge dinner at Pro Tour Philadelphia, when it was announced that I was one of seven new L3s.
What motivates you to continue being a judge?
It’s the only way I’d get to see all of my friends!
What has been your favorite magic event that you have judged?
Grand Prix Indianapolis in March of 2012. It was my first Grand Prix as Regional Coordinator. It was a fantastic experience to sit down and talk to with my judges one on one and help them work through issues, and encourage others to become more active in the program.
What hobbies do you have outside of Magic?
Hiking, camping, and canoeing. I am also helping my wife build our house, but I’m not very good.
How often do you Travel for Magic?
I’m in school right now, so not as often as I’d like. I think travelling for one large event a month is just the right frequency where I get to miss everyone, but I don’t quite get tired of hearing Shawn Doherty‘s stories.
What are some of your Regional Goals?
I would love to be able to advance another Level 3 in the region.
Tell us an embarrassing story that you’re not afraid of everyone knowing.
Once I was talking with a group of L2s and L3s about how I was great with the rules and ready to test for L2. In the middle of our conversation I answered a judge call and managed to incorrectly answer the question in three different ways before the other judges got there for an assist.
How has being a Magic Judge influenced your non-Magic life?
I’m much more confident and able to deal with stress a lot better.
Who are your role models within the Judge Program? What are the qualities that drew you to them?
How many am I allowed to list?
Steven Briggs – That man has more positive attitude than anyone I have ever met. Every time he’s dealt a blow he jumps up more excited than before, and it’s absolutely sincere. On top of being a fantastic judge, Steve is literally the best person that I know.
Nicholas Sabin – Nicholas has been a big part of my judging career. He has been an incredible source of encouragement when I needed it and he has always been happy to squash my ego whenever I get carried away with myself.
Riki Hiyashi – Riki wants everyone around him to be better, and he has always been able to provide the perfect advice to help judges improve.
What is the worst tournament you have judged?
Grand Prix: Las Vegas was a fantastic tournament and successful in many ways, but I pushed myself far too hard for far too long at that event. Sunday I went to bed at about 6 pm, with all of my alarms set to wake up for the judge get together at midnight, but I didn’t get up until almost noon on Monday.
Know your limit, and don’t be afraid to admit when you’ve reached it.
Thank you Dan, for being a great mentor to judges all over the central US! See you all next week, Judges!