Joe Klopchic (USA) has been promoted to Level 3. His Regional Coordinator, Scott Marshall
wrote some words for him:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Scott Marshall’]Joe’s one of those guys that almost everyone seems to know – by my count, he was at over a dozen Grand Prix, SCG Tour, or similar high-profile events in 2017, so there’s a good chance you’ve already worked with Joe. Besides being a very active and highly respected events judge, Joe contributes in many other ways. He’s been a part of the Knowledge Pool project for longer than I can remember, and the leader of that project for nearly two years. Joe also developed a software solution that helps organize deck checks across multiple days, enhancing our management of deck checks and deck lists.
Other fun facts:
Joe had a paper cutter named after him (“The Klopchic Machine”). Or maybe it’s any paper cutter at a Magic tournament. Or maybe it’s all paper cutters, anywhere. (You’ll just have to ask him for the full story…)
Joe is the keeper of the Gauntlet, but you’ll see it appearing in Facebook pictures, on judges all over the globe!
Joe is married to Emily, also a great judge (albeit about half as active as Joe, if my 4th-grade math still works).
Joe and Emily are denizens of Seattle, Washington, where they live with their cat, Lola, and an ever-growing pile of Magic cards (hey, Joe, Lola could maybe help you sort cards? LolaCanHazCards?). When he’s not judging, Joe is a secret operative for some clandestine organiza… err, Joe is a software developer, specializing in supply-chain/logistics systems. Joe also enjoys baseball, football, anything involving a spreadsheet, fantasy sports, and drafting literally anything. (Seriously – not just Magic – anything. Cheese, even!).[/cets_callout_box]
You can congratulate Joe on his promotion post on the Magic Judges Facebook page.