Luca Chiassoni (Italy) has been promoted to Level 3. His Regional Coordinator, Cristiana Dionisio
wrote some words for him:
Luca has been for years one of the most esteemed and loved judges in Italy and internationally. It was clear from the beginning that Luca would bring something new in our community: the capability to mentor judges by being blunt in a firm but fair way.He participates in several projects, the most relevant is the L2 candidates project, in which Luca really expresses constantly his ability to evaluate, mentor and follow the judges who are willing to improve. Luca received several recognitions as one of the best mentor, besides being great in organizing conferences and teaching rules, policy, procedures to a lot of italian judges. There isn’t a Judge topic in which Luca has nothing to say, he is always present, always able to provide an opinion. Luca is extremely intelligent, professional and also funny.His jokes bring light and community spirit… And even if he ”pretends” to be ”evil and anti-social” and claims that at events he ”prefers eating lunch alone in his car”, we all know he has a big heart and loves peopleHis presence as L3 in Italy will bring stability, smartness, vision. I am more than proud to have Luca among the Italian L3s.
You can congratulate Luca on his promotion post on the Magic Judges Facebook page.