L5 Toby Elliott explains the Dragon of Tarkir changes to the IPG and the MTR in his blog.
Magic Judges' #1 News Source
L5 Toby Elliott explains the Dragon of Tarkir changes to the IPG and the MTR in his blog.
The release of Fate Reforged brings a new set of policy documents. L5 Toby Elliott provides judges and players explanations on the changes in his blog.
L5 Toby Elliott and L4 Kim Warren
provide judges and players with explanations on the new set of policy documents released along with Khans of Tarkir.
With the new set we also have some policy changes affecting the Infraction Procedure Guide (IPG) and the Judging at Regular (JAR).
Conspiracy introduces new card types and mechanics. Check out the release notes and some minor changes in the Magic Tournament Rules.
The release of Journey into Nyx brings a new set of policy documents. L5 Toby Elliott provides judges and players a great service by explaining the changes in his blog.
L5 Toby Elliott introduces the MIPG and MTR Born of the Gods policy update.