To Alex de Bruijne, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Alex, you built your community in a distant area from scratch AND inspired a lot of judges by extensively writing about your progress and struggles. |
To Alex de Bruijne, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Hey Alex, I want to thank you for being the first one to post a Tournament Report of a non-PTQ event on our Regional Forum on Judge Apps. It is because of people like you that the importance of these reports has been recognized. Best wishes, |
To Alex de Bruijne, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Alex shows that being an L1 in a faraway area doesn’t mean you can’t stay in contact with other judges. Alex is writing reports, asking questions, and helping out others. Particularly great is his story about his road to grow his community. Please continue Alex! |
To Anniek van der Peijl, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Oli Bird, L3 |
Thank you for GP Utrecht, Anniek. You turned up, took your moment, and made Pickup Events on the Saturday work .You were only with us for a short time, but in that time you didn’t panic, stepped back, and applied a fix based on overview, rather than band-aids. |
To Desmond Scholtens, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Desmond, I want to take a minute and recognize the efforts you’re putting in to developing the community up North in The Netherlands. The informal judge dinners you organise are amazing and a welcome message for all!! Keep up the good work, |
To Dustin De Leeuw, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Eugene Bazhenov, L3 |
Thank you for reminding me that judging is much more than running smooth events. Yours is the example I use when I need to explain my judges how to make their players happy. Eugene |
To Dustin de Leeuw, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Frank Wareman, L3 |
At 3 recent events I have worked with you. I appreciate the discussions we have on way of working and running an event. Although we have quite an opposite approach it’s always good to share thoughts! |
To Emilien Wild, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Bouaziz Antoine, L3 |
Your work, as a L3 judge in both France and Belgium is outsanding : I am delighted to see your investment for the players, by providing them a lot of informations concerning the changes in organized play, by helping them to understand them, and so on. Congratulations for that ! |
To Emilien Wild, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Pierre Laquerre, L3 |
Thank you for all the mentoring work you did with Jean-François at PTQ Lille, during and after the tournament. I’m sure the feedback was useful to him, and I learned from the way you gave it. |
To Emilien Wild, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Emilien, it has been a while since you were Event Staffer for Belgium events. Now that I have taken over this duty, I’ve come to realize how much work it actually is. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for all your previous efforts in this regard. -Richard Drijvers |
To Ernst Jan Plugge, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Thank you for stepping up and volunteering for the GP Utrecht Friday events when they became very busy. I was very impressed by the way you entered the area and suddenly found yourself with five events in Top 4, but were able to juggle them all around and remain calm and correct. |
To Frank Roelofs, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Jasper Overman, L3 |
Frank, thank you for your excellent work at the PTQ in Arnhem this spring. You had a good handle on both the logistical as diplomatic challenges, and were able to work together with a new TO to create a really awesome event, certainly one of the best events I’ve been at! |
To Frank Wareman, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Hello Frank, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for keeping me sane. Please continue to keep me sane! Best wishes, |
To Frank Wareman, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Frank has the amazing ability to, at the end of an event day, casually sum up all of the things you missed and could’ve done better. They never miss. Thank you Frank, for being the best mentor I know. |
To Jasper Boelens, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Jasper Overman, L3 |
Jasper, I was pleasantly surprised how you run organized magic in Groningen. You might say you’re not running things and that might be somewhat true, but you clearly play a pivotal role in keeping the group together. |
To Jasper Capel, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Jasper Overman, L3 |
Jasper, you totally surprised me with excellent feedback on how I can improve as a Headjudge. My next events will be better because of you. Thanks a lot! |
To Jasper Overman, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Daniel Kitachewsky, L4 |
Jasper, I was really touched that you went out of your way to get the newly promoted L3s playmats in Utrecht, to be given publicly. Thank you! |
To Jona Bemindt, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Jona, each and every time I am amazed by how well you present your seminars during Judge Conferences. They are all so well prepared and constructed. It is no surprise to me that your seminars often get voted as “Best seminar”. I look forward to attending your next seminar! -Richard Drijvers |
To Joran Heimering, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Joran, when Jan Raaphorst left the country, lots of players feared that the beloved Legacy Budget tournaments would disappear. You continued the series, and got a new TO involved to take care of them. |
To Jurgen Baert, L4 from BeNeLux Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Jurgen, whenever I ask you a question and you reply by asking me a question, I know I’ve made a step forward. Your socratic way of teaching is awesome! |
To Jurgen Baert, L4 from BeNeLux Recognized by Salvatore La Terra, L3 |
Jurgen, at GP Milan I worked as public event manager for the first time, and asked you to give me some tips to organize my work. You sat down with me with for half an hour and really helped me a lot. Thanks for taking the time to do this at the end of a tiring GP day 1. — |
To Kenny Koornneef, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Frank Wareman, L3 |
By organising the Dutch Nationals you create a lot of opportunities for L1s to get more experience in judging. We have had a lot of problems with this, so maybe not planned, but a huge benefit to the community. |
To Kenny Koornneef, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Jasper Overman, L3 |
I want to thank Kenny for his outstanding community work. Organising the (unofficial) Dutch Championships, and a whole series of qualifiers takes more time and energy than most people realize, and the events are always a success! |
To Michel Degenhardt, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Michel, speak up more often! In the talk we had about the changes to the judge program, you identified some challenges ahead that gave me a new insight in the steps we need to take in our country. Thank you! |
To Michiel Klapwijk, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Michiel, I would like to thank you for your willingness to always step up at the last moment, when we’re in need of a judge in Belgium. Keep it up and you will soon be able to level up!! -Richard Drijvers |
To Niki Lin, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Niki, there were some severe problems in your region with TO’s abusing Judges. You played a crucial role in increasing compensation and improving the relationships between Judges and these TO’s, while continuously building your community. |
To Reinout Stevens, L2 from BeNeLux Recognized by Emilien WILD, L3 |
When I was needing for a volunteer to do some staffing I couldn’t because of time and stress management, you stepped in despise being yourself busy with non-Magic activities. You took a bullet for me when you didn’t have to. Thanks. |
To Sean Hoekstra, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Sean, you were looking for a place to judge and found a LGS in need of a judge. You quickly became the face of the local community, hosting multiple events a week and ensuring that they are fun and fair by being strict when needed. |
To Steve Hatto, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Emilien WILD, L3 |
Thank you Steve for what you did and still do to the Luxembourg community. I have fond memories of last year WMCQ, for which at least 60% of the room was playing with cards you provided to make sure everybody had a shot for the win. |
To Steve Hatto, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Richard Drijvers, L3 |
Steve, your efforts in Luxembourg have not gone unnoticed. Everyone in our region knows how much you do to keep the community in Luxembourg alive. I even dare say that without you, there wouldn’t be a community in Luxembourg. Thank you, |
To Steve Hatto, L1 from BeNeLux Recognized by Teun Zijp, L3 |
Could anyone imagine the Luxembourg judging scene without Steve? He’s the driving force behind events. Actively concerned, enthusiastic and helping TOs in their planning. Steve is a true community leader. |
To Teun Zijp, L3 from BeNeLux Recognized by Dustin de Leeuw, L3 |
Teun, you make judging personal; whether it is during an event, at judge dinner or just by calling me up, you always are involved and are available to share problems and successes with. |