Spring(ish) Break!

The Feedback Loop has had a consistent goal for as long as I can remember: Produce new, quality content about feedback and reviews every week. It’s a lot of work, and the team has been doing an amazing job of providing that content for the Judge Program. I’ve been leading the team for about half a […]

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Things You May Want to Know About Reviews (Before You Write Your Next Review)

Quite often someone will bring me a concern they have about a review, something that is keeping them from submitting it and providing their feedback. For my first contribution to The Feedback Loop in 2018, I’ve decided that I want to take some time to address some misconceptions and drop some knowledge bombs to help […]

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Celebrating 100 Posts!

Welcome to The Feedback Loop‘s 100th post! In celebration of this milestone, we as the blog staff have each written 100 words about feedback and a brief introduction to our involvement in the judge program. [expand title=”Eric Dustin Brown, Blog Manager“]When I started judging a lot of us referred to the program as a “Cult […]

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Journey’s End

As I type this, I’m reminded of the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode with the same title. No, it wasn’t the series finale. That one was titled All Good Things… which is a good one, both as a title and an episode. Just never try to explain Anti-Time to anyone. Ever. Sadly, Journey’s End […]

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Les compè’reviews

(Article d’origine publié le 26 avril 2016 par et , traduit par ) RIKI : L’idée d’un compè’review (NdT : ou d’une consoeu’review d’ailleurs) m’est venu du fitness et de l’activité physique. Il est plus facile de suivre un régime ou un plan d’entraînement quand vous le faites avec un ami. Vous pouvez mettre en […]

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The Spiderman Review

I’m not sure how many of you out there have been called a superhero. For those of you who haven’t, let me tell you: It definitely gets your attention.  A little over a year ago I received a review from that I refer to as the “Spiderman Review.”  This review was eye opening; it helped […]

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