Adrian Estoup

Hola Judges! It’s time to feature another excellent judge! This week on the RC edition of Judge of the Week, our team lands in the country that gave us bife chorizo, Maradona, and the Pope of the Catholic Church. This judge works in one of the widest regions in the world, but in his regular life, he’s a […]

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Joe Gillard

Hello there Judges, We are back again for our classic Judge of the Week interview, this time featuring a near-mint L2 Judge from the United Kingdom. This featured Judge pushed his local community by organizing events and building up a solid and welcoming group!  It’s an honor to spotlight this week’s Judge of the Week, from Taunton. As usual, before […]

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Lloyd Dodson

Hello there Judges, our guest of this week is a senior Judge from from the states, a devoted father, and also a rock star for his local community. Many good stories and even Jedi-mind tricks on this interview, if you’re curious to know what I mean by rock star, don’t miss this interview with Name: Level […]

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Eugene Bazhenov

привет there Judges, Time for another rock star! This week our team managed to interview a judge from Russia! If you have not read about judges from this Region before, then I strongly recommend you don’t miss this JOTW Special Regional Coordinators Edition. It’s a pleasure to present Eugeny Bazhenov – RC and L3 from Moscow! What is your […]

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David Truitt

Hello there judges! This week our interview team made a stop in South Carolina to catch this judge who has really impressed us with his community work. He is a devoted Elspeth and Star Wars fan with an excellent sense of humor and more than one odd story under his belt. Don’t miss this interview […]

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