Jarrod Williams

Welcome again, Judges, to the latest installment of Judge of the Week! This time around, we have the Regional Captain of Kentucky, a tournament organizer in his own right, and a great judge. Let’s meet Level 2 ! Location: Columbus, Ohio Judge start date: September 2011 Occupation: Computer Programmer Favourite card (and why?):  because I […]

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Dominick Riesland

Here at Judge of the Week, we take the time to highlight and thank judges who do amazing things to promote the community. And since bringing you these fine interviews is pretty amazing in itself, we have asked our brave volunteers to interview themselves. Today’s offering comes from . Name: Dominick Riesland Level: 2 Location: […]

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Maximilian Schroeder

Welcome back, judges! This week’s Judge of the Week serves as one of the Regional Captains of the Midwest, where he has wowed his peers with one of his mentoring tools. He learned that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. And he has recently become the proud owner of the Power Nine. Grab yourself […]

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Minh-Duc Vu

Greetings Judges! Want a prescription to become a better judge? Minh-Duc Vu can help give you one! Minh-Duc is a pharmacist and this week’s Judge of the Week. When nominating him, wrote, “Minh is one of the best community organizers that I know. He has organized and judged a vibrant and growing competitive event scene in […]

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