Javier Castellán

The Judge of the Week project is back! Without further ado, let’s get to it! Today’s Judge of the Week is Javier Castellán. Javier is a Level 2 judge from Guatemala. He passed his Level 1 exam at the 2010 El Salvador Nationals, and leveled up the following year at the 2011 Mexico Nationals. That’s […]

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Corina Grant

Just when you thought Judge of the Week was gone, its not! This week we feature Corina Grant, a level 2 judge from California, America. She started playing Magic with her father when she was very young. Corina says: “I distinctly remember buying Onslaught packs. We used many of my dad’s old cards for deck […]

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Eddie Cheung

Hope you are all ready for the Innistrad pre release.  I know this week’s judge of the week, Eddie Cheung, is ready.  Eddie is a level 2 judge from Guelph, Ontario in Canada.  Eddie begun playing back in 8th edition, but stopped shortly after Mirrodin. He began playing again in Planar Chaos, and has been […]

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Alexei Gousev

This week’s JOTW is level 2 Alexei Gousev. Alexei comes from Davis in California, except for the summer, where he resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. Alexei was introduced to Magic through a friend around Odyssey block, however, he did not own any cards until Legions. After a short break from Magic, Alexei began […]

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