Sophie Pagès

Bonjour, Judges!  This week, we feature a judge from Grenoble, France: L2 ! Sophie obtained her L1 certification in March 2010, and passed her L2 test in June 2012! Why did you become a judge? When I started to play, during Alara, some players around me availed themselves of the fact that I was a […]

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Adena Chernosky

Greetings once again! This week’s Judge of the Week is , L2 hailing from Jackson, Wyoming. Adena tested for L1 at GP Salt Lake City in March, 2012 and ascended to L2 in June, 2013. Why did you become a judge?  I’ve always been fascinated by the technical aspect of the rules and corner cases.  Originally, I […]

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Joe Wiesenberg

Hello everyone!  Our Judge of the Week for this week is !  He is an L2 from San Diego, California.  He began his judging career in July of 2011 and reached L2 in June of 2012.  Enjoy hearing what he had to say! (Editor’s note:  Congratulations to Joe, who just passed his L3 exam at […]

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