Nole Clauson

Greetings Judges! This week’s Judge of the Week is , L2 from Gillette, Wyoming. Nole tested for L1 at GP Salt Lake City and reached L2 at GP Denver. Why did you become a judge? I love being around Magic, especially events like the old regional pre-releases or GP’s. However, I’ve accepted that I’m not good […]

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Dustin de Leeuw

Goedendag Judges!  Welcome to another great feature in Judge of the Week!  This week, we’re featuring Dustin de Leeuw, L2 from Amsterdam, the Netherlands!  Dustin certified to L1 on  January 19 2009 and reached L2 on July 4 2010! He was nominated by  Michèl Theissen because “he is one of the most relaxed and nicest Judges […]

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David Zimet

Welcome judges, to another special feature of Regional Coordinators!  This week, we’re featuring L3 David Zimet, for the USA Southwest! David is in charge of Arizona, California, and Nevada! I got to catch up with David at SCG: LA just recently, and had a chance to sit down and talk with him.  This quickly turned […]

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