Welcome to JudgeApps!

JudgeApps is the Magic Judge program’s official home for event management and forums.

Please check out this quick start guide to help you make the most of your experience not just with JudgeApps, but with the entire Judge program.

Step 0: Get an Account

You can Register an Account here.  If you already had a DCIFamily account, read this post.

Step 1: Set up your notifications

The notification system built into JudgeApps allows you to stay up-to-date with everything you’re interested in, as well as help keep you from getting flooded about updates for things that might not be applicable to you.  Email notifications also allow you to participate in forum conversations through email.

Learn more using the following links:

Then be sure to actually set your settings here:

Step 2: Browse the Forums

The JudgeApps forums are the hub for communicating with the global community.  Be sure to read the forum protocol, and then dive right in and ask your questions or share your opinions!

Step 3: Get Involved in Projects

The Projects section of JudgeApps makes it easy to find opportunities to lend your time and talents to the judge program, and work with other passionate judges.  Feel free to message any project leaders about their projects, or to start a project/group for yourself!  (Note that it’s usually a good idea to talk to your RC or a senior judge before starting your own project.)

Step 4: Have Fun!

JudgeApps makes it easy to find other judges, share ideas, and work together.  So, what are you waiting for? Visit JudgeApps today!