Thalia and Shocklands

Welcome back to the Rules Tips Blog! Today we’ll be doing a Modern Monday tip on how everyone’s favorite gloriously-maned Cathar interacts with Modern’s favorite colorfixing! messes with your opponent’s tempo by making their nonbasic lands, and all of their creatures, come down tapped. That makes it harder to block, and punishes greedy manabases by […]

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Summary Dismissal and Uncounterable Spells

There’s not a lot of uncounterable spells kicking around in Standard right now, but there ARE a few (like and a Spell Mastery-enabled ), and they’re alongside some weird “counterspells”: and . Unsubstantiate is a sort of ‘new’ version of an old favorite, , or a creature-free version of . Rather than outright countering a […]

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Corrupted Grafstone: What Can It Do?

is an interesting mana rock. It can make many different colors, but only costs 2 instead of the usual 3! To make up for that, it comes in tapped the turn you play it, and it requires a little work to get going. It has a normal mana ability (because it isn’t a loyalty ability […]

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More About Emerge!

Today we’ll take a break from Her Noodliness and discuss Emerge, one of the mechanics from Eldritch Moon. It saw some play at the Pro Tour last weekend, so we’ll go over a few things so you know what to do when you’re playing it, or playing against it this weekend at Game Day! Emerge […]

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Emrakul and End of Round Procedures!

Welcome back to the Post Pro Tour Week! Today we’re going over another bit of : her extra turn creation! Specifically we’ll be going over how it works in the context of the End of Round Procedures at a sanctioned event. As you probably know, sanctioned events usually have timed rounds, and if you’re still […]

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Lunar Force: Bad In Multiples!

There’s been a neat enchantment heavy deck kicking around, making use of , the ‘new and improved’ version of old favorite . Lunar Force is pretty simple to decipher- it’s like a counterspell you don’t have control over, but that you pay for in advance, freeing you up to do other things while hiding behind […]

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Bestow and Sigarda’s Aid

Today we’ll be talking about another card from Eldritch Moon, but in the context of some slightly older cards. is a nifty little trick for decks that like to beef up their creatures- it lets you flash in your Auras as combat tricks or at the end of your opponent’s turn, and it lets you […]

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Setting A Life Total

Welcome back to the Rules Tip Blog! Today we’ll be covering effects that set a life total to a specific number. Right now in Standard we’ve got a few cards that do this, such as and . When a life total is set to a specific number, most people are just going to change their […]

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