Magma Spray And Later Deaths

Many people rejoiced when they saw in the Amonkhet spoilers, as a way to deal with pesky little things like , and to deal with the new threat of Embalm creatures- as the flavor text says, you can’t embalm ashes, after all. Magma Spray does 2 damage to a target creature, and exiles it if […]

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Hapatra and Wither: Who’s Putting These Counters?

Welcome back! Today’s topic will be the new card, and how she works. On the surface, pretty simply: Whenever you put some -1/-1 counters on a creature, you get a 1/1 deathtouching Snake as a bonus. That’s fairly simple with effects like or , which are effects that you control telling you “Hey, put a […]

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Tournament Tuesday: The Rules vs. Can’t Lose Effects

Welcome back to the Rules Blog! Today we’ll be going over something that’s occasionally misunderstood: effects that prevent you from losing the game. The ur-example of this is good old , but there’s been others- most recently, the emblem from . So long as you have that Emblem, and a Planeswalker with the “Gideon” subtype, […]

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La prophétie et vous : Comment Conforme à la prédiction prédit

Soyez à nouveau les bienvenus sur le blog des astuces de règles ! Aujourd’hui nous allons parler d’une carte assez corsée d’Amonkhet : Conforme à la prédiction. En surface, c’est un enchantement assez simple – il gagne chaque tour un marqueur «Temps», et chaque tour vous pouvez lancer gratuitement un sort dont le coût converti […]

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Les cibles du scarabée

Salut à tous, c’est le grand retour des astuces de règles ! Avec l’arrivée d’Amonkhet, c’est un torrent de nouvelles cartes et de questions qui vient nous inonder. Une fois l’extension officiellement sortie et légale en standard dès aujourd’hui, vous pourrez découvrir plein de nouvelles astuces sur les interactions du format dans son intégralité, mais […]

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Prophecy and You: How As Foretold Foretells!

Welcome back to the Rules Tips Blog! Today we’ll be going over a particularly spicy card from Amonkhet: . On the surface, it’s a pretty simple enchantment; every turn it gets a Time Counter, and every turn you can free-cast a spell with converted mana cost equal to or less than the number of Time […]

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