Hunter’s Insight does not give the targeted creature an ability.

Whenever a creature that has been targeted by deals combat damage to a player or a planeswalker the players that cast Hunter’s Insight will draw cards equal to the damage dealt by this creature. When Hunter’s Insight resolves a delayed triggered ability is generated that will ‘wait’ around until the end of the turn. (This […]

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What Sundial of the Infinite can help you avoid, and what it can’t

has an activated ability that you can only play on your turn, and when the ability resolves your turn will end. It may seem like it is a negative effect, as it can be hard to understand why you would want to end your turn prematurely. However there are often things in your own turn […]

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Melira, Sylvok Outcast does not remove counters

has three static abilities that do similar things, in that they all ‘shut down’ infect. The first ability prevents you from receiving poison counters. The second prevents creatures you control from receiving -1/-1 counters. The last ability removes infect from all creatures that your opponent’s control. While the first two abilities prevent counters from being […]

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