Bloodbraid Elf can cascade into Boom/Bust and cast Bust.

Cascade and split cards are a fun little combination, both in Modern and in Commander. The reason it can be fun is that when Cascade asks a split card what its CMC is, you get two answers; one for each side. As long as ONE of those answers is ‘low enough’ for that Cascade, you […]

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Guttersnipe won’t trigger if you sacrifice it to cast Fling or Launch Party

It’s quite possible that you might end up having and plenty of support for it in a Limited deck. Maybe you put in for some removal, and the time comes that you have to cast that Launch Party with your Guttersnipe as the only creature you have on board. In such a situation, your Guttersnipe […]

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Detention Sphere can exile your opponent’s hexproof creature if you target your own.

More fun with ! As you may already know, Detention Sphere only has one target. Thanks to that, you can get it to exile things it can’t target, by targeting something it shares a name with. For example, if your opponent has a that has gained hexproof for some reason, and one that does not, […]

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You can flashback Ray of Revelation after Rest in Peace enters, before it exiles all graveyards.

You have a in your graveyard, and your opponent casts . Is there any way to use your Ray of Revelation to destroy it before it gets exiled anyway? Will that save the rest of your graveyard? When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, it has a triggered ability that will exile all graveyards. This […]

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How Odric’s ability works (yes, you can choose ‘no blocks’).

Interestingly enough, Odric requires 3 other creatures to attack alongside him in order to employ his masterful tactics. That means you need to declare at least 4 creatures (including Odric) as attacking when you begin your declare attackers step. You can’t attack with just Odric and a spirit token and , because the Angel that […]

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Guild Feud and triggered abilities.

Ashley controls two s. At the beginning of her upkeep, they both trigger. As the first trigger resolves, Nicky reveals and Ashley reveals . How do the triggers resolve? Two important things to remember about triggers: Abilities may trigger during the resolution of a spell or ability, but are not put on the stack until […]

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Angel of Serenity “may” exile the targets if it’s killed before the trigger resolves.

has a somewhat unique ability, in that sometimes you target things that you wouldn’t mind being exiled forever at the same time that you target something you’d rather get back in your hand. So what happens if the Angel enters and you choose targets, but the Angel is ed before the ability resolves? The Angel’s […]

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