Meddling Mage’s ability does not counter spells.

‘s ability prevents the named spell from being cast. This means that it prevents a player from announcing spells with that name. This ability does not affect permanents in play at all or spells on the stack that have been legally played. If your opponent plays a spell, you cannot put a Meddling Mage into […]

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The word ‘target’ means something targets.

Spells and ability that target are very different from those that do not. Targeting is a restriction, in that you must be able to choose legal targets of a spell or ability in order to play it. For example, you cannot play just to draw a card, there must be an artifact or enchantment in […]

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Ethersworn Canonist can prevent spells from being cast via alternate methods

‘s ability prevents players from playing more than one non-artifact spell per turn. This limitation applies to playing spells via alternate means; such as Cascade or Hideaway. Even the triggered ability of can be interfered with by the Canonist’s ability. With Ethersworn Canonist and Knowledge Pool in play, if a player casts a non-artifact spell […]

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Cards removed by Hideaway are cast.

Cards that have been removed from the game by the hideaway ability of one of the Hideaway lands form Lorwyn (for example, ) do end up getting played when their non-mana activated abilities resolve. This means that abilities that trigger when a spell is played will trigger. If was removed from play by a Hideaway […]

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