L3 Jacob Milicic shares his opinions on some best practices when you've got a known judge playing in your event.
New Area Captains – March 2018

The USA - North Area Captains are undergoing some rotation. Learn who is stepping aside, and who is stepping into these roles.
The Competitive Judge: The PPTQ Dilemma

Today, Jacob Milicic walks us through why it is ok to be both a Player and a Judge.
Exemplar Nomination Tokens – Creation Process

Rob walks through the technical process he has used for creating Exemplar tokens to be mailed out the last couple of waves, with some tips for creating your own.
Judge Mob March 2017

Judge Mob the USA-North social activity had taken a break over the winter, mostly because I didn’t feel the need to have it the same month as the rescheduled Leadership Conference. The release of Modern Masters 2017 seemed like a great time to get it going again as a monthly event. Legion Games had […]
The Good Judge: Professional Boundaries

The call “Judge!” cries out in the shop, your first reaction is to tuck your head and keep grinding, but people know you, they remember you and your tournament. Find out the different types of boundaries as a judge with Ken Andrs
Magic Judges Exclusive Modern Masters 2017 Spoiler

Rob McKenzie has the official Magic Judges spoiler for Modern Masters 2017. Come check it out, and some of the interesting rules situations it brings up.
The Good Judge: Judging at Regular

Join L1 Ken Andrs as he takes us down the path to becoming a good L1 judge. This week, we are dealing with introducing yourself to a store and your first steps to judging at Regular REL!
State of the Region 2016

Greetings all! Are you ready for an exciting ride of statistics, recapping, and future planning? I’ve done several different presentations of similar info at conferences, this is going to rehash a little of what those covered, plus lay out some plans and a road map for next year.
Time of Heroes – Jund vs Grixis

Judge!!!!!!!!!!! You’re a floor judge called over to a table at your local RPTQ. It’s the end of round 4 of 5. This is table 7. Players are in game three. Player’s agree it’s turn five and their graveyards are in the order things were played. Jund was on the play. Currently Abrupt Decay is […]