Yes, preventing. But let’s start with detection and identification! We’ve all had to deal at least once with these situations where two players disagree on enough elements about the game that one of them is probably lying. That’s what is often referred to as a “he said/she said situation” – a term created so […]
A Floor Judge Investigation
I’ve written numerous articles about investigations that you can find at various places on this blog. Nearly all of them are written from the HJ point of view and while I selfishly believe they’re instructive, I’m under the impression they don’t achieve as much as they could. Indeed, like I’ve pointed in this article, there […]
Running a draft without stamped product
With Nationals approaching and since it’s likely very few of them will use stamped product, here is a procedure I’ve already successfully tried a few years ago at a Grand Prix whose stamped product was not be delivered on time.
Backing up through a Fetchland
Warning: The example described here are meant to be at the ends of the Backup spectrum. Most situations won’t be as clear cut and small alterations in the presented scenarios may already affect the decision to backup or not. Take this article as it is: A presentation of some core reasonings you can use before […]