Adena Chernosky (Wyoming, USA) has been promoted to L3 at Grand Prix Las Vegas. Her RC Jeremy Behunin
wrote a few words for her:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Jeremy Behunin’]
Adena has become a road warrior of the Northwest. Often driving for hours to attend events, mentor aspiring judges, or even to catch a flight. Her travels around Wyoming and Montana have resulted in many areas that were starved for events now having access to a judge and a growing community. This dedication to customer service and community have become a staple of the work Adena does across the region. Her work ethic is clear and we’re certainly lucky to have someone so willing to put so much of herself into the community.
Congratulations Adena! You can congratulate Adena too on the Magic Judges Facebook page’s post for her promotion.