Chris Lansdell (Canada) has been promoted to Level 3. Chris’ Regional Coordinator, Jon Goud
, wrote some words for him:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Jon Goud’]
It is with great joy that I can congratulate Chris on his advancement to Level 3!
Chris has long been the definition of someone who wears their heart on their sleeve, and his passion for the game is undeniable. He writes relentlessly for,, has been producing podcast content for years, and is consistently recognized through the exemplar program for the joy he brings to players and colleagues. He is very much what we mean when we talk about “presence and charisma” from leaders in the program. Would you believe that Chris believes this current version of himself is even toned down from earlier in his life? He once described himself in his 20s to me as “completely insufferable”!
You might assume that, because of his voluminous personality, his path to L3 has been an easy one. Quite the opposite, in fact. Chris’s passion can also be his own worst enemy – his deeply emotional nature causes setbacks to affect him deeply. When the judge program is wounded Chris is wounded, and when he experienced personal setbacks they hit him hard. Chris can be very hard on himself – if he isn’t satisfied with a score on a practice test, it can disappoint him for days.
Chris and I are close friends and talk often – I can tell you there were moments of actual despair.
But he got there. And that’s what I think Chris’s success can teach all of us – perseverance. It’s no secret that members of the judge community can struggle emotionally – I would encourage each of you to see Chris’s promotion to L3 as encouragement.
He is a survivor of his own typhoon, pushing against the winds of his inner critic.
If this sounds like you, I guarantee next time you see Chris he’ll be happy to talk to you about it. He’s open, friendly, he loves judging and judges, and that joy is as plain to see as the smug look on his face after dropping a perfect pun.
Level 3, you are now Lansdellicious #hegotthere
You can congratulate Chris on his promotion post on the Magic Judges Facebook page.