As some of you know, I’ve been busy in the last several months making the world’s newest Mox. No, not Mox Amber, a Mox Baby! Due to some unforeseen complications I have to start Parental Leave sooner than I thought I would! Baby and I are doing fine, but need to take it a little bit easier during this last month.
That means I need to leave you in the capable hands of another for a few months, and I think I’ve picked a good one! Please everyone join me in welcoming Eric Levine as my temporary replacement. He will be your point of contact for all things judge at Wizards until I come back from Parental Leave in August. Please continue to reach out to your RCs/PCs for help within the community, but if you have an issue that only a Wizard can solve, you can contact Eric through JudgeApps and on Twitter @raginglevine.