Exemplar Wave 5 recognitions

Here are my Exemplar Wave 5 recognitions. THANK YOU!

Albert Jové

Albert Jové

Thanks Albert for your tournament report from your first Competitive REL event. I particularly liked how you elaborated on the lessons learned at the event, and that your focus was on getting feedback from others and in sharing the experience so everyone could learn with you. Thanks!

Boris Vukovic
L1, Serbia

Boris Vukovic
L1, Serbia

Thanks Boris for publishing your article on the “SOI mechanics for players” in Serbian. Player outreach initiatives like this help community building and are a great way to help players get a better understanding of game rules, making for a better experience. I appreciate very much your efforts. Thank you!

Herman Janssen
L1, Romania

Herman Janssen
L1, Romania

Thank you Herman for your very comprehensive tournament report from your first Competitive REL event. This report showed you prepared very well for the event, and I appreciate you structuring the report so to maximize how it could be a resource for others to learn from your experience. Besides I find exemplary your capability of asking for feedback, accept it, and to apply it right away.

Konrad Wieczorek
L2, Poland

Konrad Wieczorek
L2, Poland

Thank you Konrad for your thorough explanations on good branding in our discussions on the forum for the Graphic Design Gang project. You took the initiative pointing out what needed to be improved in what we were doing, and you provided extensive and detailed examples and advice. Thanks so much!

Steffen Baumgart
L2, Germany

Steffen Baumgart
L2, Germany

Thank you Steffen for knocking it out of the park yet once again with your design for the Europe-East blog and header. You keep delivering top quality design and to nobody’s surprise you come time after time with imaginative and novel solutions to the tasks at hand. Thanks so much!

Jose Tamargo
L2, Spain

Jose Tamargo
L2, Spain

Sigo quedando boquiabierto con la calidad de tu trabajo y con lo fácil que haces que parezca todo lo que hacemos en el Graphic Design Gang cuando pasa por tus manos. En concreto esta vez tu trabajo renovando el branding del Magic Judge Network ha sido rápido, preciso, y en definitiva excelente. Moltes gràcies, senyor!

Jason Lems
L3, Wisconsin (USA)

Jason Lems
L3, Wisconsin (USA)

Thank you Lems for your work coordinating the promotion of the exclusive SOI spoiler of Altered Ego on social media. This was one of those amazing things you consistently do that have a big impact on the community. I saw the threads on Reddit and the interactions many players and judges had with this promotion on social media, and it was something truly memorable. Amazing job!

Alfonso Bueno
L3, Spain

Alfonso Bueno
L3, Spain

Thank you Alfonso for your support in making the Rules Resources site a reality. You have been able to set aside our past differences and see the importance of this project, your explicit support has been key in getting all parties involved to commit to work together, for the benefit of the community. Thanks so much!

Christian Gawrilowicz
L3, Austria

Christian Gawrilowicz
L3, Austria

Thank you Christian for organizing the Country Coordinator meeting at the Europe-East conference in Romania. You took a very simple idea to the next level, and made a learning opportunity for everyone involved. I keep looking forward to your contributions to help developing the Europe-East region. Thank you!

Fabian Peck
L3, Australia

Fabian Peck
L3, Australia

Thank you Fabian for being proactive about updating the Certification pages on the Official Resources site. This was one of those interactions with other L3s where I see someone being truly awesome at what we do. Not only you contributed with valuable content, you were also self-sufficient during the whole editing and publishing process, making our interaction truly enjoyable for me. I’m looking forward to work together with you in the future, thanks!

Olivier Gheysen

Olivier Gheysen

And once again here I am recognizing you for just being consistently awesome. Thanks so much for organizing the Dubai Judge meeting (the first one ever!) in April. You came up with a great idea and went above and beyond to get us all together so we could tie stronger bonds and build a better community. You take care again and again of everyone in the UAE’s judge community, and I am always looking forward to see what you come up with next. Thanks so much!

David Lyford-Smith
L3, UK

David Lyford-Smith
L3, UK

Thank you DLS for your help with the Europe – East statistics from Exemplar Wave 4. I am glad you could squeeze this in your already super busy schedule. Your help with figuring out what was the best content to share with the judges in my region was key to this coming to reality. Thanks!

Georgi Benev
L2, Bulgaria

Georgi Benev
L2, Bulgaria

Thanks so much Georgi for your work with the Exemplar features on the Europe-East blog. You took on this project some months ago and have delivered consistent and timely results since. Keep it up, and thanks for your efforts!

Raül Rabionet
L2, Spain

Raül Rabionet
L2, Spain

Thank you Raül for being proactive on the floor of day 2 at GP Barcelona. Amidst the chaos you were one of the few that again and again was seen taking care of things, asking for clarification when needed, and in general pushing forward to make the event succeed. It appears that it’s very easy to complain and point out problems, but you went above and beyond not only identifying where a problem could be found, but also providing solutions and feedback – and very important – doing so with a great deal of diplomacy, respect, and tact. It was great to see how much talent and skill you bring to the floor of professional events, and I definitely hope to cross paths with you soon again. Thanks!

See my Facebook post thanking these fantastic judges!