To Alice Araujo, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Alice is always volunteering to many events in all regions in Brazil. She is exemplar to her peers because of the zealous and relentless way she judges those evens, always striving to be better and better. |
To Alice Araújo, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
Durante o WMCQ que trabalhamos juntos, você fez muito mais do que era esperado do seu trabalho. Você surgiu com ótimas ideias pra agilizar o processo de inscrição e em todos os momentos esbanjava bom humor, apesar das situações adversas que surgiam. |
To Alice Araujo , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Alice is the first woman to be certified as a judge in Brazil. She is also constantly volunteering to events in all regions in Brazil, being an example of commitment and hard work. |
To Antonio Zanutto, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Antonio has been a great help making many articles available in Portuguese. He is exemplar to his peers when he is always ready to volunteer and always concerned that information is spread to judges in Brazil in a fast and efficient way. |
To Antonio Zanutto , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
I meet Antonio a few weeks ago, and it was a pleasure to see his professionalism and commitment to judging. He also has a lot of experience from judging at the US, and he is always willing to share this with his peers. |
To Carlos Rangon, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Juan Del Compare, L3 |
I believe it’s a model to copy the way to managed to first work VERY hard to create portuguese translations for the Judge Center and the rules documents, and then managed to inspire judges around you to pick up on your work, continue and expand it. |
To Carlos Rangon, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Carlos is a leader in São Paulo region. He is exemplar to his peers because of his dedication and leadership in many localization projects over the years, and also for being a zealous and dedicated reference in coordinating regional judge conferences. |
To Carlos Rangon , L3 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Carlos has been walking the path of judging for many years. He is an example to his peers for his professionalism and intelligence. Also, he reached level 3 hits year, so he deserves my congrats for that as well. |
To Daniel Magalhães, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Daniel has been a great help with community building in his main local areas. He is exemplar to his peers when he devotes himself to certification with great understanding to the program’s priorities and always with zealous dedication to contribute with everyone, by offering great feedback. |
To Darlam da Costa, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Darlam has been in charge of several regional projects to judges in Brazil. He is exemplar to his peers when is always bringing a pragmatical line of thought to those projects, and is always concern that the execution is done with hastiness and efficiency. |
To Darlam da Costa , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Darlam is one of the biggest friends I had the honor to make in the program. He is serious, dedicated to the events he judges, and an example of professionalism to his peers. And also a great guy! |
To Dimmy Magalhães, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Dimmy is a judge in a very isolated area. He is exemplar to his peers because he doesn’t let his work be isolated, and is always trying to reach out the whole community, often asking for help and guidance. |
To Dimmy Magalhães , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Dimmy lives on the north, an area with few judges. By using the internet to reach out his peers for information and advice, he is an example of how commitment and hard work can make someone bypass the difficulties of being geographically isolated. |
To Eduardo Beraldo, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Alejandro Raggio, L3 |
Your participation at any event is great for everyone attending. You make the long days of working at an event go faster because everyone is influenced by your highly positive attitude. |
To Eduardo Beraldo, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
Os anos de estrada de estrada por si só já valeriam o reconhecimento. Mas além disso você voltou manteve-se um juiz atuante e vibrante. Parabéns pela continuidade no trabalho. |
To Eduardo Beraldo, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
It is hard to point just one moment where you make the difference to our community. Since the early days of the program, you were always a strong presence and a trustworthy team member. You are the guy we know we can always count on. Thanks for being awesome! |
To Eduardo Beraldo, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Eduardo is a long time presence in the Magic scene in São Paulo. He is exemplar to his peers because of his charisma and selflessness he displays to everybody, always concerned that everyone has a better experience playing all kinds of events, from FNM in his local store, to the grand prixes in the Latin America. |
To Eduardo Beraldo , L1 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Eduardo has been an active judge in Brazil for longer than most people. He is a model of diplomacy, and through his work has earned the respect of judges and players on Brazil. |
To Gregory De Bonis, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Gregory has been always concerned that everyone has a good experience playing Magic events. He is exemplar to his peers when he voices out concerns with the minorities in the Magic community, and step up to propose solutions by creating a safe environment to everyone around the game. |
To Gregory De Bonis , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Gregory is an awesome guy, and a very reliable friend. A few months ago I had the need of someone to take care of a series of events that I was invited to run, and he managed the event and its staff perfectly. |
To Leonardo Martins, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
Nossa comunidade só é o que é porque temos juízes dispostos a treinar e certificar pessoas. Reconheço esse aspecto do seu trabalho e parabenizo pelos recentes avanços conduzidos direta ou indiretamente por você. |
To Leonardo Martins, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Leonardo is one of the faces of the judge program in Brazil. He is exemplar to his peers because of the passion he displays not only inside events, but also when he is contributing in the local communication channels. |
To Leonardo Martins , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Leonardo is very passionate for the game and for judging. He is an example because he is always encouraging all of us to make our better. |
To Lucas Horta, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
Pelos esforços que em muito fugiram de suas obrigações como juiz num torneio. Reconheço seus esforços na área de tradução e a elaboração de outros projetos. Esse reconhecimento não deveria ser só meu, mas sim de toda comunidade. Obrigado. |
To Lucas Horta, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Lucas is ever present in web based projects and discussions. He is exemplar to his peers because of the availability he displays, and because of his leadership in Northeast region. |
To Mauro Rodrigo Thibes, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Mauro judges primarily in his local community. He is exemplar to his peers because of his concern to always run events in top standards of quality, while also sharing with all the judges his best practices in form of reports. |
To Mauro Rodrigo Thibes , L2 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Mauro is the only certified judge on his community, a large state capitol city in Brazil. Despite being alone, he is always concerned with the quality of the events he runs or judges at. |
To Nicolau Maldonado, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Nicolau has been a centerpoint to the judge program in Rio de Janeiro. He is exemplar to his peers because he manages to be a reference without shading out otter members in his community, always being concerned that everyone has a chance to contribute both in events and in local projects. |
To Paulo Costa, L1 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Paulo helps with events in Rio Grande do Sum, even when he’s not in the staff. He is exemplar to his peers because he does that with joy and always in an inspiring mood. |
To Paulo Costa , L1 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Paulo is a very active judge at his area. He is exemplar to this peers for his dedication to improve the quality of local events, even when he is not judging. |
To Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
Os anos de estrada de estrada por si só já valeriam o reconhecimento. Mas além disso você voltou a ser um juiz atuante e vibrante, com aquele mesmo gás do “jovem” juiz que conheci em 1993. Parabéns pela liderança na comunidade e ao processo de certificação e manutenção dos L2 no Brasil. |
To Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Rafael is a reference and a mentor to many long time judges in Brazil. He is exemplar to his peers because of his devotion to judge development and acquisition in all regions in Brazil, always mentoring L2 candidates in remote areas. |
To Thales Bittencourt, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
O que é um exercito sem um general? Não sei, mas sei que não é nossa comunidade, pois nestes últimos anos você fez com que a comunidade tenha um caminho a seguir, conduzindo nossos passos para o crescimento e fortalecimento. Obrigado. |
To Thales Bittencourt, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Kevin Binswanger, L3 |
Thales, your passion for Magic is inspiring. Both at the Pro Tour and at the conference, you took some positions and defended them strongly. We could use more people willing to say things that everyone is thinking and not back down. |
To Thales Bittencourt, L3 from Brazil Recognized by Steven Briggs, L3 |
While you and I may not always agree on issues, I believe that how you are approaching developing judges in Brazil is exemplary. You are working with cultural, language, and spatial challenges in a developing market, and are making great leaps in improving judging there. Well done! Steven |
To Thales Bittencourt , L3 from Brazil Recognized by Rafael Dei Svaldi, L3 |
Thales is the guy! He brought order and professionalism to our community, being an example of all aspects of judging. |
To Thiago Vinicius Santos Trad, L1 from Brazil Recognized by David de la Iglesia, L3 |
Thank you for yout hospitality, warmth and welcoming attitude during GP Sao Paulo. You went above and beyond to make me feel like home in Brazil! |
To Tomás Paim, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Tomás is one of the most dedicated judges in São Paulo region. He is exemplar to his peers because he is always concerned with resolving the disputes between judges and players in an amicable way. |
To Vinicius Quaiato, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Carlos Rangon, L3 |
Esse reconhecimento é pelo aportuguesamento que você tem se empenhado tanto em fazer. Seu envolvimento com quase todos os projetos de tradução é chocante e vibrante ao mesmo tempo. Acredito muito que esse é um dos caminhos para que mais pessoas possam ter acesso tanto ao jogo como à arbitragem. |
To Vinicius Quaiato, L2 from Brazil Recognized by Thales Bittencourt, L3 |
Vinicius has been a strong presence in the judge community. He is exemplar to his peers when he displays courage to follow the correct procedures, even when that would be perceived as too harsh by the community. He is also being an exemplar judge when he works diligently in translation projects, and when he is concerned with improving the communication and spreading information between the judges of all Brazil, by organizing online meetings. |