To Alex YEUNG, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Truly appropriate your effort on making the great L0 month tests, they are great! |
To Alex Yeung, L1 from China Recognized by Joe LAU, L3 |
I appreciate your work in L0 group for giving them regular discussion topics and questions. You make them keep improving as a judge. Thank you for your work |
To Arthur Hsu Ping Wu, L2 from China Recognized by Joe LAU, L3 |
Your enthusiasm to improve Taiwan’s community should be praised. You always ask others to help improving the community with their strength, referring judges to right person, cares about others. Thank you for your work in the community! |
To Chenghao Shen, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for you effort to help the L0 training program, you had been very responsible and reliable. |
To Chenghao Shen, L2 from China Recognized by Haitao Jia, L3 |
Another diligent judge in Shanghai. Almost each time, who a local store is looking for a judge for its GPT, he will go for help. His hardworking on PTQs and WMCQ also left a deep impression on me. |
To Chengji Wang, L2 from China Recognized by Haitao Jia, L3 |
In the last WMCQ in Shanghai, he applied to be a judge and take a long trip to Shanghai. Also he worked very hard, since the tournament site was too hot. The feedback from other L2 judges is very positive. His behavior as a L1 judge has been over my expectation. |
To Dong Sha, L2 from China Recognized by Haitao Jia, L3 |
Although she lives in a City far from the MTG center in China, we could frequently see her coming to my city to be a judge, even the payment from the TO could not cover her train tickets. Also she helped her local community to grow faster. |
To Edwin Zhang, L3 from China Recognized by Haitao Jia, L3 |
RC as the community leader, with the rapid developing of MTG in China, now have far more judges than 2 years before. The internal communication is one of the best judge communities in the world under his lead. |
To Edwin Zhang, L3 from China Recognized by Joe LAU, L3 |
Edwin, the words you told be before GP Taipei and the way you help me feel relax really help me a lot. You did a very good job for your RC work for the passing years. We always feel comfortable when we are working as judge since we know you are always backing us up. Thank you! |
To Edwin Zhang, L3 from China Recognized by Riccardo Tessitori, L5 |
Nihao Edwin, the care you have for all your judges at your GPs is extraordinary and we all benefit from all the energy and care you put into it. Thank you!Riccardo |
To Hans Wang, L2 from China Recognized by Wearn Chong, L3 |
At GP Taipei, you organised a gift exchange and also the pre-GP judge dinner and get-together despite not actually judging at the event. You showed that one never really takes off their ‘judge hat’ and no matter our actual role, we’re all still part of this great family of judges! – Wearn |
To Hao Du, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for your initiative and hard work with the Chinese judge website. |
To Hao Du, L2 from China Recognized by Haitao Jia, L3 |
One of the most diligent judges within my community. He takes charge of the local judge website, which becomes the most useful Chinese MTG Wiki for judges. |
To Hu GuangZheng, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for the initiative of work with the local organizers on help them coordinate their event dates. I was hoping that they can cooperate well, but at least you did well there. |
To Ji Li, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
You are one of the most impressive judges, you work hard and plan everything well, we also truly appropriate your effort on expending the judge family as one of the judges who trained the most number of L1s in China! |
To Ji Li, L2 from China Recognized by Joe LAU, L3 |
I appreciate your work on promoting the game to players. The “WeChat” Q&A section every week can get a closer relationship between players and judges. A brilliant idea! |
To Joe Lau, L3 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for being the leader of the HK magic community, you did well there; and thank you for your activities and communications with L0/L1s, you are a very important person for their way toward certification. |
To Lei Zhou, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for being the go-to person for anything judge related for Beijing, no matter if they are for training, testing, or just looking for a judge to judge their tournaments. |
To Nash Yu, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Nash, you are the most impressive judge from HK! You are supportive, you are great to carry out any task assigned to you, and you always have a positive impact for the HK community. |
To Nash Yu, L2 from China Recognized by Mitsunori Makino, L3 |
Nash, あなたが日本のグランプリへ何度も来てくれることによって、 多くの日本のジャッジ達が外国のジャッジと交流することをどんどん身近に感じるようになっていきました。 初めて日本に来たときまだ友達は少なかったと思います。いまはきっと沢山ですよね。 その中でナッシュが始めての外国人ジャッジ友達だという人は多くいます。 それだけあなたは沢山の友達に大切なきっかけを与えてきてくれたということです。 牧野 |
To sha dong, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for coming to tournaments so often to learn, as well as your effort on making the community as enjoyable! |
To Sun Jianhong, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for your activities as judge for Xiamen and surrounding areas, as well as your opinion input as a store owner, and your communication/education with other store owners as a judge. |
To Woosuk Lee, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for leading the judge community of Korea, you did well on training them, and hopefully we’ll see more from Korea soon! |
To xiaoping peng, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for being the go to person for the entire SW corner of China, players and stores all respect you as a judge, which can be one of the good reasons to make them willing to join the judge program. |
To Yan Zhi Wang, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for your effort on expending the judge community as one of the judges who tested the most number of judges in China, and your effort on build up communication between judges and stores/players! |
To Yanjie Liang, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for your activities with the L0s on helping them toward L1s. |
To Yanjie Liang, L1 from China Recognized by Joe LAU, L3 |
I really appreciate your paicient and active in mentoring L0 in the chat group. Your help in the group make those L0 improve faster than my expectation. Good job and keep on! |
To Yi Shen, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for doing a great job on leading the L0 training program for China! You did well, and you made a lot of other people shine! |
To YI-XUN WANG, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for everything you have done to build up communication between judges and stores. |
To Yu Wang, L1 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for making the bed for judges to grow in your region, your support was the reason to make them L2s, and the reason to make Changsha so much ahead of the rest of China. |
To Zhaoben Xu, L2 from China Recognized by Haitao Jia, L3 |
An active judge within China region. He helps to translate the initial documents including MTR\IPG from English to Chinese. Currently he is working on help the TO to organize GPs in China, which helps the players to register more easily. |
To Zhu Bin, L2 from China Recognized by Edwin Zhang, L3 |
Thank you for your activities for the L0 training program, as well as your ideas on making judges look sexy! |
To Zhu Bin, L2 from China Recognized by Joe LAU, L3 |
You are recognized by your work in the L0 study group of China. You give a good leading of the discussion to the answer and your humor at appropriate timing relax the environment. Good job! |