To Przemyslaw Ulatowski, L1 from Europe Mid-East Recognized by Adam Cetnerowski, L3 |
Przemek is very proactive, provides excellent customer service, and make sure everyone has a great experience – even when he’s a player not on staff at local tournaments. He models the judge program, even without the shirt on. |
To Adam Cetnerowski, L3 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
You’re a legend, and it’s hard to describe you in few words. What probably strikes me the most in your recent activity, is your infinite streak of ideas/initiatives, from small ones, resulting in a brief amusement, to projects/ideas that affect the entire Program. I’m grateful for having you around! |
To Adam Kolipiński, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Adam, thank you for voluntarily starting a new translation project that can improve all Polish players’ and judges’ knowledge – the card of the week. Initiatives like that are hearth-warming. Keep it up! |
To Adrian Strzala, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
Few L1 judges demonstrate initiative on national scale, and even fewer do it so quickly after joining the ranks. Translating the JARR wasn’t just a “job” – I hope it was also a way of providing a good example to the rest of the community; something that will inspire others. Thanks for your effort! |
To Adrian Strzała, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Adrian – thanks for showing initiative with the translation of JARR into Polish. The fact that you took the task on your own and led it to a happy ending is worth admiration and emulation by other. Good job! |
To Andrzej Siwoń, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Andrzej, thanks for starting a new Polish translation project voluntarily – the card of the week. I strongly believe it can positively influence levels of knowledge among Polish players and judges. Thank you and keep up the good work! |
To George Edouard Cuartero, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Cristiana Dionisio, L4 |
George, your involvement in Magic is impressive. You handle alone a community of players led by your own passion and inspiration. Your way to promote the game and your daily sacrifice and dedication are an example of what the judge program recognize as outstanding L1. Thank you and keep being great! |
To Jan Grottel, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
I could name many areas in which you are exemplary, but one stands out the most: you are the paragon of professionalism, and I mean it Program-wide. Few judges display this characteristic to such level, and you’re the one I will always look up to in this matter. Thank you. |
To Janusz Bulakowski, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Adam Cetnerowski, L3 |
For taking care to build and support the local community across the Tricity area. Janusz is always thinking of his community – be it a t a local tournament or abroad at a GP. |
To Jaroslav Karban, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Jara, thanks for your multiple contributions to building, keeping and improving Czech judge community. Thanks to you it’s blooming and it’s healthy. You are the leader we need and want in that position. Keep up the good work! |
To Michal Kruk, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
There are several judges in your area, yet you are a pillar of your community, one of the most trusted and respected people there; your peers admit you’re a great support to them, both when you work together and on other occasions. That’s already a lot, and even more so for an L1 judge. Thanks! |
To Milan Majerčík, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
I would like to thank you for the care for community you’ve expressed by continuously reminding me about Judge Center / Judge Apps level discrepancies. It helped me fix some problems I was not aware of at that time. It wasn’t about you, but you still cared. That’s great! |
To Paweł Kazimierczuk, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Paweł, thank you for the effort you put in to improve knowledge and understanding of rules and policy among Polish judges. Every now and then I hear about creative new idea you try out to make others think deeper about rules – keep it up! |
To Piotr Karpowicz, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
You begun as a lone judge in a totally remote region, and made it flourish. You moved out, but never actually left them; even living somewhere else, you still care and support, help them thrive. You’re still their mentor, ready to help anytime with anything. Thanks for your continuous contributions! |
To Roman Cupek, L1 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Kaja Pękala, L3 |
Magic community in BB has grown A LOT recently (many bigger cities could envy!) and you’re the person behind this. Your customer service and welcoming attitude make everyone enjoy tournaments, and that’s why they come again. And again. You prove that store-level judge can drive a huge change. |
To Sebastian Pekala, L3 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Adam Cetnerowski, L3 |
For not only being an excellent RC – well-informed, eager to help, available – but also being an excellent colleague and friend, someone to talk issues through, bounce ideas or just vent when needed. |
To Tomas Joska, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Carlos Ho, L4 |
Tomas, You bring a lot of energy and smiles with you to events, and a very positive and upbeat attitude. I totally loved how you took several steps towards making everybody’s stay at GP Prague last year a better experience and took the lead on recognizing other judges at judge dinner. |
To Witold Waczynski, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Adam Cetnerowski, L3 |
For his immense knowledge and experience with the Polish player community. Witek knows players from across the whole country, has a good rapport with them and knows which troublemakers to look out for. |
To Witold Waczyński, L2 from Europe-Mid-East Recognized by Sebastian Pękala, L3 |
Witold, thank you for your efficient mentoring of other judges both in your local community (which led to many new certifications) and outside of it, with help of reviews you’ve written. Everyone likes getting reviews and we need more people writing as many as you do (or more!). |